How is the Seymour Duncan Full Shred?


Jun 3, 2004
Hi people I needed to ask if anyone has used or tried the Seymour Duncan Full Shred Pickup? Is it any good for Extreme Metal? I play stuff like Killswitch Engage, Chimaira, Machine Head mostly Down tuning stuff. Is it good for these type of music?

I've never tried it, but if I remember correctly from reading the Duncan website, it's supposed to be very "clean" sounding, for fast lines and mostly lead playing. If you ask me, it just seems like marketing hype for shred wannabes. Don't shoot me, it's just the impression I got.
Since KSE, Chimaira & Machine Head all use EMGs (I believe), you might want to use those...Since everyone else who plays metal seems to love them so much (I don't). I do, however, LOVE Duncan pickups, I would be lost without them, lol. I personally use a Duncan Live Wire Heavy Metal active bridge humbucker, and I must say, it is THE BEST for metal that I have ever used before, perhaps you should check it out.
ok, Killswitch play Caparisons ( ) which I think have Caparison humbuckers - not EMGs. Machine Head pay EMG's mostly, in Jacksons and ESPs etc. Dunno about Chimaira, prolly EMG's though. The bands you named have quite a rhythm guitar orientated sound, so I wouldn't reccomend the full shred, although it would pobably still do the job well.
Oh yeah shit, I forgot KSE play Caparison...Too bad you can't actually buy those pickups, they're awesome!

Anyways...The full shred isn't very good at all, I would recommend an Invader (SH-8) if you want to go passive, because it does everything and more, and if you want to go to active, I would suggest Duncan LW-HMETs, or EMGs (Not HZs, they blow).
Well i have EMG's in my JAckson Guitar DXMG and i am thinking of get different pickups on my New Epiphone V guitar. To me EMG's are ok not that great they work i think really great on Tube Amps but not everyone has cash to buy one.

THinking of getting Passive Pickups this time. Any passive pickups are good for extreme metal. THere is the Dimazrio X2N that mostly everyone is using in the forum. How is the Duncan distortion?

Hey does anyone have a sound clip to share using the X2N pickup?

The Duncan Distortion is a decent lower end Duncan pickup, but I don't know how it would do for 'extreme' metal. The Duncan Invader bridge, or the Dimebucker are probably the two best passive pickups for metal.

The DiMarzio X2N got really good ratings on, and it is apparently DiMarzio's highest gain pickup, so my guess is it's pretty good. I can't find any clips, and I have never tried it, so I suppose I have to just go with my guess.
It is quite important to know what kind of guitar you are playing and the wood which it is made of. Mahagoni Guitars might sound to extreme with a duncan invader for example.

I used to own a korean Jackson RR with a Live Wire Metal Humbucker and the sound was really good for extreme metal stuff. Tons of mids.
Generally, I also think that EMG´s are overrated. Duncans are great if you need some clarity in your sound. Try the duncan custom or custom custom,