How I've improved in 8 months


arsehole know-it-all
Jan 1, 2008
from my blog:

For my recent Mixing Masterclass event I remixed a song I did for the band Cardinal Chase just before I moved to Vancouver. I was kind of surprised how quickly the mix came together this time and how few plugins (compared to the first mix) I used. Last night I compared the two unmastered versions, one from May 2010 and the latest from Jan 2011. A dramatic difference! Perhaps still not a great mix but the band and I were happy with the one back in May.

Have a listen.

May 2010 Mix *unmastered* ~11 hrs to mix

Jan 2011 Mix *unmastered* ~6 hrs to mix

Both mixes have the same peak level but the latest is clearly denser. Both were done using Pro Tools 8. The latest used primarily stock digidesign/AIR plugins with only a couple of 3rd party processors; a mix bus comp, and a multiband comp.

A Very interesting experiment, I encourage you to try remixing one of your old projects from scratch, maybe even once a year to track your progress.
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Much better! It's crazy how mixes I've done that I once thought to be great seem to completely suck even after only a short amount of time. I actually found a CD just the other day from back in 2002 when I very first started doing this and was completely shocked at how absolutely horrible it sounded. And I clearly remember at that time thinking to myself, "This sounds pretty good!" Heck, even in the last few months, largely in part to reading this forum, my mixes have improved immensely and it seems the entire process is starting to "click" and things make so much more sense now than they did even a few months ago.
Here's the Album version the band did with Nick Blagona producing over the summer. I don't agree with all the changes and I don't think they spent enough time on the mix or that the acoustic guitars are pushing the verses rather than the electrics. I'm sure my version had more editing.

It's hard for me to be objective about it, being so intimately involved with this song for a couple weeks. Hope I don't sound jealous.

What do you guys think?

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Yeah I much prefer your mix. Everything is much more natural and lively.

The acoustics on the youtube mix sound fake and plastic and there is too much verb on the vocals.

Great job on your mix by the way.
I talked to the guitarist tonight. They did 7 full band songs and 2 acoustic songs in 7 days. Basically live + overdubs. All those effect heard were actually printed during recording. 3 takes max, minimal editing.

They got a great deal on doing this record with a famous producer and world-class gear. overall it sounds pro and they're happy with it considering their budget and deadline.