How Machiavellian is Bush?

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speed said:
Ive read over the thread, and it appears fah-q, is a follower of the Ann Coulter school of discourse and analysis. Fah-q's posts on this thread have all been curt, baiting, crude, and frankly not very funny. Had they been witty or in good spirits as almost everyone on this forum is one or another, it wouldnt be a problem.

But frankly as a guilty party (making the above comment, and one or two others) and moderator (with the power to close this thread), these insults and comebacks are getting rather old, and had they not involved me, would have resulted in the closing of this thread. Yet, I will leave that decision up to Derek, or others by not posting on this particular thread anymore.

His/her mention of "typical liberal response" all but proves your point.

fah-q, you should check out the Billy Milano forum. You'd fit in nicely and would be, presumably, most welcomed there.
SoundMaster said:
Hmmm, this is a rather interesting comment being that you, my good man, have displayed a tendency to resort to such nonsense.

(for interested readers, please refer to the "Mr Koresh" post just above this one).

Your response is typical. My remarks came after you called me a fool and insinuated that I was drinking the "kool-aid". A Jonestown reference, how pedestrian.
Have a nice day.
speed said:
Ive read over the thread, and it appears fah-q, is a follower of the Ann Coulter school of discourse and analysis. Fah-q's posts on this thread have all been curt, baiting, crude, and frankly not very funny. Had they been witty or in good spirits as almost everyone on this forum is one or another, it wouldnt be a problem.

But frankly as a guilty party (making the above comment, and one or two others) and moderator (with the power to close this thread), these insults and comebacks are getting rather old, and had they not involved me, would have resulted in the closing of this thread. Yet, I will leave that decision up to Derek, or others by not posting on this particular thread anymore.
My apologies for not being witty enough for you. However, I must disagree with your assessment of my posts. It seems that if one does not agree with the liberal mindset of this area, you are shunned or accused of not being witty enough to post among this clique.
Have a nice day.
SoundMaster said:
His/her mention of "typical liberal response" all but proves your point.

fah-q, you should check out the Billy Milano forum. You'd fit in nicely and would be, presumably, most welcomed there.
Why would my pointing out your typical liberal response be considered rude, or curt? I am having my feet held to the fire because I don't agree with you? I rather put off by your assumption that I am not only a Republican but, that I would be right at home in the Milano forum. Sure, I have posted there but, unlike some people, I like to explore the avenues of others. Posting in areas where everyone agrees on everything is boring and well, not very challenging. I should have known better than to think anyone would listen to a point of view that varied from theirs. If you found the assembly of my words to be hurtful or offending, I don't know what to tell you.
Have a nice day.
I consider myself a conservative, but more on the fiscal side of things. President Bush has created a minefield of mistakes, and his public speaking makes me cringe, like nails on a chalkboard. All that being said, on national security matters I tend to agree with his decisions. Not all of them, but most of them.
George Bush Jr. isn't so different from any politician. You say the things that your voting base wants to hear to get elected. Once he was elected he took some bad advice and good advice from his advisors. There isn't much "philosophy" involved with Bush, you either share his political beliefs and support his actions, or you disagree and pray for a different rich Harvard or Yale grad that leans to more liberal beliefs.
Keltoi said:
I consider myself a conservative, but more on the fiscal side of things. President Bush has created a minefield of mistakes, and his public speaking makes me cringe, like nails on a chalkboard. All that being said, on national security matters I tend to agree with his decisions. Not all of them, but most of them.
George Bush Jr. isn't so different from any politician. You say the things that your voting base wants to hear to get elected. Once he was elected he took some bad advice and good advice from his advisors. There isn't much "philosophy" involved with Bush, you either share his political beliefs and support his actions, or you disagree and pray for a different rich Harvard or Yale grad that leans to more liberal beliefs.
Wonderfully stated. I could not agree more.
fah-q said:
My apologies for not being witty enough for you. However, I must disagree with your assessment of my posts. It seems that if one does not agree with the liberal mindset of this area, you are shunned or accused of not being witty enough to post among this clique.
Have a nice day.

Jesus, you are such a goddamn ideologue; so much so, you offer nothing substantive, only attacks against the "liberals", and idiotic and ignorant comments. Its obvious you dont post here very often. If you did, you would notice almost no one here is a liberal. Hell, I think nationalists outnumber liberals on this board 2-1. In fact, i'd like to see more republicans and democrats (or even real conservatives, and real liberals--i think we have a few of both)post on this board; however, the problem I suppose is, most who use their critical thinking skills and post on a philosopher board, are smart enough not to be tied down to any ideology.
speed said:
Jesus, you are such a goddamn ideologue; so much so, you offer nothing substantive, only attacks against the "liberals", and idiotic and ignorant comments. Its obvious you dont post here very often. If you did, you would notice almost no one here is a liberal. Hell, I think nationalists outnumber liberals on this board 2-1. In fact, i'd like to see more republicans and democrats (or even real conservatives, and real liberals--i think we have a few of both)post on this board; however, the problem I suppose is, most who use their critical thinking skills and post on a philosopher board, are smart enough not to be tied down to any ideology.
I won't be splitting hairs and correcting you on your use of the word idealogue. I will confirm that I am new to this board though. My responses have not been attacks against "liberals". Don't you find it extremely telling that you chastise me for my alleged attacks yet, call my posts idiotic and ignorant? Who is attacking who? When the post meets your approval, it is philisophical but, when it doesn't, the poster is not intelligent enough to think outside of an ideology? I know I sometimes dig my heels in on certain things but, I don't believe this is one of those times. You sir, are mistaken.
Have a nice day.
fah-q said:
I won't be splitting hairs and correcting you on your use of the word idealogue. I will confirm that I am new to this board though. My responses have not been attacks against "liberals". Don't you find it extremely telling that you chastise me for my alleged attacks yet, call my posts idiotic and ignorant? Who is attacking who? Your fangs seem to have appeared as soon as something you did not agree with was brought up by me. I am sorry I do not think the same way as you and I truly am sorry that you see those who don't agree as idiotic.
Have a nice day.

Fah-q, read your posts.

fah-q said:
Sometimes, it is hard to tell when you are dealing with people who are trying so hard to qualify their intelligence.

fah-q said:
I find it amusing that even the British are so upset with Bush they are finding psuedo-intellectual ways of critcizing him.

fah-q said:
Yes, a Harvard grad who the unhappy have labeled a dolt. I would expect a less judgemental approach from those who fancy themselves intellectuals. I concede that he does not speak well publicly. That only tells me he needs to go to toastmasters.
Have a nice day.

fah-q said:
"I heard" "He used to" "He found god" -This is such a tired and old mantra.

fah-q said:
Sometimes, it is hard to tell when you are dealing with people who are trying so hard to qualify their intelligence.

fah-q said:
I didn't quote "people here", I quoted you.

Have a nice day Mr. Koresh.

fah-q said:
Outstanding and very telling response. Why would you formulate a response based on logic or reason when you can call people names. Typical liberal response.
Have a nice day.

fah-q said:
Will you be calling my mother names next?

fah-q said:
Your response is typical. My remarks came after you called me a fool and insinuated that I was drinking the "kool-aid". A Jonestown reference, how pedestrian.
Have a nice day.

fah-q said:
My apologies for not being witty enough for you. However, I must disagree with your assessment of my posts. It seems that if one does not agree with the liberal mindset of this area, you are shunned or accused of not being witty enough to post among this clique.
Have a nice day.

fah-q said:
Why would my pointing out your typical liberal response be considered rude, or curt? I am having my feet held to the fire because I don't agree with you? I rather put off by your assumption that I am not only a Republican but, that I would be right at home in the Milano forum. Sure, I have posted there but, unlike some people, I like to explore the avenues of others. Posting in areas where everyone agrees on everything is boring and well, not very challenging. I should have known better than to think anyone would listen to a point of view that varied from theirs. If you found the assembly of my words to be hurtful or offending, I don't know what to tell you.
Have a nice day. .

You've acted consistently in a very brusque manner to a number of persons (these were in reply to Norsemaiden, Frank the Tank, Soundmaster, Me). Your comments to Soundmaster have been especially rude. I urge you to read the rules of posting section. You're not BIll O'Reilly, and I'm not allowing such posts, be they liberal, conservative, nationalist, or communist.

Thus, as I go back through this thread, and point out examples of your rudeness, I am warning you, I wil delete any more such posts.
Are you kidding me? Where is it stated that it is permissable for some to attack while others are not allowed? You are calling me to the carpet because of my delivery? I am aghast. This is such a blatant double-standard. So far, Ann Coulter, Bill O'Reilly and the Jonestown cult are who I have been catagorized with but, that is ok? I have been called an ass, idealogue and ignorant but, that is acceptable? Even as I read through my posts, I find little that is even close to being offensive. Just because my insults are not as opaque as others I am singled out?
Speed, You have obviously been around here for a while and have a much greater understanding of the appropriate tone that should be displayed in this area. If I may ask just one thing of you. Take a moment and peruse the posts that either preceded mine or the ones I was resonding to. After doing so, ask yourself if I truly am that far out of bounds in my responses. I thank you for your time.
Have a nice day.
fah-q said:
Are you kidding me? Where is it stated that it is permissable for some to attack while others are not allowed? You are calling me to the carpet because of my delivery? I am aghast. This is such a blatant double-standard. So far, Ann Coulter, Bill O'Reilly and the Jonestown cult are who I have been catagorized with but, that is ok? I have been called an ass, idealogue and ignorant but, that is acceptable? Even as I read through my posts, I find little that is even close to being offensive. Just because my insults are not as opaque as others I am singled out?
Speed, You have obviously been around here for a while and have a much greater understanding of the appropriate tone that should be displayed in this area. If I may ask just one thing of you. Take a moment and peruse the posts that either preceded mine or the ones I was resonding to. After doing so, ask yourself if I truly am that far out of bounds in my responses. I thank you for your time.
Have a nice day.

No, this all began with you. Instead of offering some argument, or discourse, you made the comments above. DO you really think you can just show up at a board, and insult everyone who even slightly disagrees with you, with very snarky, rude comments, wihout adding one iota of content? Do you really think insulting anothers intelligence and calling them a "liberal" is going to further your argument? It is not.
speed said:
No, this all began with you. Instead of offering some argument, or discourse, you made the comments above. DO you really think you can just show up at a board, and insult everyone who even slightly disagrees with you, with very snarky, rude comments, wihout adding one iota of content? Do you really think insulting anothers intelligence and calling them a "liberal" is going to further your argument? It is not.
I absolutely disagree. It is permissable to liken me to Ann Coulter but, I am not allowed to assume someone is a liberal. That makes no sense to me. I am sorry if I am brusque in my writing. I tend to speak that way too. I thought I was doing everyone a favor by having short responses. Sincere effort will be applied towards adding more words to my responses. Agreed or not, your insight regarding my posts is appreciated and will be taken under advisement.
Have a nice day.
fah-q said:
I absolutely disagree. It is permissable to liken me to Ann Coulter but, I am not allowed to assume someone is a liberal. That makes no sense to me. I am sorry if I am brusque in my writing. I tend to speak that way too. I thought I was doing everyone a favor by having short responses. Sincere effort will be applied towards adding more words to my responses. Agreed or not, your insight regarding my posts is appreciated and will be taken under advisement.
Have a nice day.

My comments are all a reaction to yours. You've acted like a complete ass. And yes, they are quite like Ann Coulter, in that you make a snide condescending comment, followed by a provocation. And it seems, you cant take a taste of your own medicine. It isnt a pleasant form of argumentation is it? Thats why such threads are closed down, and such posts are deleted, unless you've posted here before, a little latitude is allowed, or you're joking, and doing such in good spirits. You, my friend, are doing neither.
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