How much are you getting back from the government?

I made a bit over $3,000 so I guess I should be getting something back. Although it's more like I'll be replenishing my bank account after paying taxes. Since I get paid in cash, I just have to pay a lump sum at the end of the year.

That really sucks. I hope you get cleared of that.

Okay so, I think I know what the problem is:

I had some mutual funds that I had transferred to another account and they were treated as income from the sale of the assets. Now, the cost basis wasn't included, which would mean that every single dollar of assets sold would be taxable. However, with the cost basis, most of those gains would be negated, meaning I pay taxes on less money.

All I need is a 1099 for those funds and to have my accountant fill out an Amended 1040 and all will be well (for now)
Oh shit...
How much income did you have?

Well, I figured out what the problem was, but it was some 30,000 dollars that wasn't recorded. Turns out that I just need the cost basis and that, at this point, the government is still going to owe me money on this shit. I'll probably pay about 1-2 grand along with the penalty at most.

I have a lot of money in investments
Yes. But the electric measureroraror(dont know what it´s called in english) showed a kwh number that was very wrong one time and i had to pay since i obviously couldn´t prove that i hadn´t used that much electricity that month. Luckily now all the electric "measurerorarors" in Sweden are getting changed by the power companies so now everyone´ll get a monthly bill instead of a lump figure every forth month.