How much is it costing you to go to Powerfest?

dreaming neon darkspot (Laura)

and Will Bozarth is paying my plane and bus tickets, so the only thing i'll have to pay for is whatever stupid shit i do while drunk, and the weekend-worth of pre-finals studying i'm missing


Chris (and my cousin Joey who has about the same expenditures)
Atlanta, Georgia

Plane tix: $250
Hotel: $105ish (my 1/2 for three nights)
Rental Car: $65
Food/drink: $80ish for the weekend.
Merch/CDs: At LEAST $250, probably more...most of which will go to impulse.

Probably going to spend total of around $800 for Thurs - Sunday.

Lemme see. What did I post before? I think:

$30 for tickets
$15 for gas
$0 for hotel (my friend is paying due to the massive debt she owes me =D )


$20 for misc. toiletries
$30 for 2 new pairs of pants
$15 for new boots (I got a freaking STEAL on them.:kickass:)

Manicure and pedicure: $30

Total: $140

All things considered, I'm still doin' OK. There is still an undetermined amount for beer. :p

As a side note, I spent 8 bux on a 6 pack of beer today to calm me down after my shopping trip. I hate shopping with a passion.