How much of the $400 US goes towards the Apple branding in an iPOD?


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
I'm just curious as to why the Creative 40Gb MP3 portable is $220, compared to the iPOD 40Gb at $399.

Vincent Vega: "Wait, that's $5 for a shake. A shake...that's milk and ice cream. You don't put any bourbon in it?"
$220!?!? People buy these things? My Sony Discman plays mp3's and cost something like $40.
Yeah, I'm debating that the CD walkman thing too - I used to have one but it broke. Still, solid state is the way to go these CD-R gives you 800Mb, whereas $220 gets you 40Gb and that is a lot.

Still, a CD-R costs $0.05.

You realize that the iPOD pretty much saved Apple from extinction? Even at $400, it sells like hotcakes and porn. Actually, for $400 you could make your own porn movie, sell it, watch it, and make enough to buy 2 iPODs.
The skip argument is meaningless now, years ago they had like 10 second anti-skip on CD players, now it's at such a ridiculous level they don't even tell you how much of a memory buffer there is. On several occasions I've dropped my discman or stood there shaking it like crazy for 30+ seconds, I don't think it's ever skipped. I've also stepped on in several times.
By the way, that comic strip is funny, but truth is, CD walkman's do not skip. They have some memory which allows buffering. If you listen to MP3s from a CD walkman, you'll notice that it spins, and stops, spins, and stops. etc etc.

All it's doing is loading it into memory, so the actual playback is solid state. The CD-R is just providing the data.

I think I just persuaded myself to get a CD/MP3 walkman.
you can also get one of those 1 gig MP'3 players for like $70-$100 ... same shit like a CD player just more compact.
lurch70 said:
you can also get one of those 1 gig MP'3 players for like $70-$100 ... same shit like a CD player just more compact.
I could go for one of those, if I needed something more compact. But there is no reason to walk around with a 40GB harddrive in your pocket, jesus christ. I remember when a 40MB harddrive was a big deal, these kids nowadays, jeez Edith...
Yeah, I've had an MP3 CD walkman for 5 years now. In that time of all of the ones I've had (all Sony), they've only skipped once as far as I can remember.

I just made the move up to an MP3 player tho, as I got into the habit of carrying around half my CD collection with me on MP3 discs, which was heavy. I got a 200GB external hard-drive for £100 to house my CD collection, and an £80 1GB memory-stick style MP3 player to carry around with me. Holds 20 hours of music, enough variation to keep me happy for a day, and at a total of £180 I saved £170 on an ipod which couldn't actually hold my entire CD collection. Plus it weighs 28g :)
Erik said:

My MP3 directory is 34 gigabytes and it would be cool to carry all those shitz with me

well it's your bday ... now's the time to ask for one :loco:
1Gb will run out fast though. That's 100-150 songs?

I guess you could store all your MP3s on CD-Rs. (Taking up the PC hard disk is a complete waste, unless you actually listen to music on your PC lolz).

And then once in a while, refresh your 1Gb with new songs. I know what will happen though -- I'll have 10 albums on a 1Gb MP3 player, and the one fucking song I want will be absent.

I think you've got to go CD MP3 walkman, and carry the CD-R(s), or the 40Gb option. If you can spend $100 on 1Gb, you can fucking well spend $200 on 40Gb.
I think my mp3 folder is around 5GB right now, up until 6 months ago it was probably 400MB. I just recently started illegally downloading whole albums, I used to d/l about 5 mp3s a year.

The damn things are cool, but not for the price. I carry my CD wallets with me every day to work, but I do want to get an mp3 compatible stereo for my office so I can bring my entire collection on a handful of CD-Rs. That way I can bust out Goatsblood on a whim when people start pissing me off. :)
Erik said:
And I'm considering switching my MP3-CD player to something of the sort

Pros: less fucking huge, don't need to burn CD's
Cons: some more $$$

I'll probably hold on a bit longer though til they're even cheaper/bigger... I'm anything but an early adopter when it comes to sheeit like dis

I've been considering this one for a while; it has gotten good reviews and is actually pretty cheap (not that I can afford it in any near future but still).
My sister...she make the good sex in the mouth.

I think I'll go the CD-R route and be cheap. I'll save a couple of hundred bucks and visit Khazakstan.
JayKeeley said:
1Gb will run out fast though. That's 100-150 songs?

I guess you could store all your MP3s on CD-Rs. (Taking up the PC hard disk is a complete waste, unless you actually listen to music on your PC lolz).

And then once in a while, refresh your 1Gb with new songs. I know what will happen though -- I'll have 10 albums on a 1Gb MP3 player, and the one fucking song I want will be absent.

I think you've got to go CD MP3 walkman, and carry the CD-R(s), or the 40Gb option. If you can spend $100 on 1Gb, you can fucking well spend $200 on 40Gb.

1GB is more than 10 alums, I can usually fit 15-20 on :) I change them every evening when I get home, so I always get variety. The MP3's I store on an external hardrive, because using CDs is a pain in the arse - 200gb gives me enough room for my entire CD collection, and a back up of my OS and all my documents, which is also cool - all for £100. External hard-drives are fucking cheap ATM. :)

Seems your discmen are cheaper than ours tho, mine cost £160 (tho it was the best model out there at the time).
but I do want to get an mp3 compatible stereo for my office

need to get a similar one for the car ... a car stereo that plays MP3's
getting a portable one then getting a jack to the car stereo is a pain ... and I listen to most of my tunes on the road anyway.
I argue with a few friends of mine about the IPod all the time. Its a material status symbol, that is functional. Fuck, they talk about their fucking ipods all the fucking time. My ipod holds this and this, I just put this and this song on it, blah, blah, blah.