How often do You listen to a Dark Tranquillity CD?

La Rocque

I am that I am
May 22, 2004
an exit to eternal summer slacking
I play 1 or 2 of Their CDs every day. Lately its been The Mind's I (for months I played Projector over and over) . I listen to Them as I fall asleep. It's strange that Their Music is heavy/ loud, but it relaxes me as I nod off into my dreamworld -
i seldom play full cds, but i usually listen to at least a couple of dt song every day, for the most diverse reasons: i might want to check out a solo that's been playing in my head, or maybe listen to some lines (yes, it's soothing), or try to further my understanding of a specific passage.

@larocque: dt are awesome artists, but are they really worth the capital on the possessive adjectives and pronouns? ;)
ah 3 times on average :)
1- in the morning on my way to the office (i'm in the army :( )
2- on my way back home from there
3- when i go out/ when i drive :headbang:
Once a week now probably since I've been listening to new stuff so much...a few weeks ago I listened to them once a day at least.
In my current Tuska-related listening habit, probably a couple of times a week on average. Before that, a month or two ago, I had a huge random-play fest and only got maybe 1 song a week or something like that.
Usually daily, but I often take longish breaks from their music in order to "rediscover" things. I'm currently in the middle of such a break, after an exhausting Exposures-period.

Oh, I also tend to pick certain individual songs like Rahvin, but I also listen to the whole albums quite often.

I havn't had a good listen to DT in ages :(. My house is being torn apart so I rarely get chance to relax and listen to some music. I might go on a treck and take a walkman at some point today. Usually probably three times a week Ill listen to one of the DT albums. I listen to Haven the most.
I listen to DT in special occasions only.
When i go to a friend's place, i usually force him to put on a DT song or two, since what he listens to is utter crap. :p
I also listen to a lot of DT at trips, when i get a new album in my hands, before/after watching a gig of theirs, when i'm home alone, and sometimes when i need to check something out on a song or if i simply feel like it atm. I'd love to listen to them when i'm driving, but my car only has a crappy radio that can't be replaced. :(
When i have to study DT is a no-no, cause it absorbs all my attention and has me headbanging around instead of doing whatever i'm supposed to be doing.
In other times, i generally avoid it cause it would get me too emotional and depressed. :err:
lately i've been watching the dvd the most but i listen to a album at least every couple of weeks its hard to keep up with all my cd. theres times when i start going through them and find a cd that its been a while since i listened to and will play it for like a month straight. did that with testament - the gathering not too long ago. and i do that way to often with the minds i album i've probley listened to that cd more than any i have. one of my favorites.
Depends on how I feel and such things. So, there are times when I don't listen to DT for some days/ weeks (like right now, because of the festivals, but I listened to DT last weekend at Summer Breeze...) and there are other times when I listen to them nearly every day.
Quite often I listen to a DT cassette in my car (one of 3), but the 2 last weeks there was mainly Vintersorg playing.

@Siren: I wouldn't be able to drive without some music in my car... and I hate radio music!
@Schwedentod: Usually i can't either.. that's why i sing all the way. :p
Radio music sucks, when ppl who are in my car make the mistake to turn on the radio, i either shout at them to turn it off or almost crash. :erk:
I keep Damage Done in my 5-disc CD changer constantly.
So, I listen to that album about 4-5 times a week.
Siren: If someone tries to turn my radio on because he can't stand the "noise", he may reach the end of the voyage by feet... :)
Not really, but there is one rule in my car: the driver chooses the music and how loud it will be played. If I'm not the driver... bad luck. But if this occurs, my girlfriend normally drives, so there's no problem with the music!