How often do you listen to SW?


May 14, 2007
Just out of curiosity: how many times a week are you listening to SW's music.... :headbang:?
once each 2-3 weeks maybe. I have about 20 cds in rotation.

anyway, SW cds never leave my cd-player unless a brand new SW record comes out ;)

in fact I've listened to Mercy Falls for two years (same for WITW)
Every day when I go to work I listen to SW. My commute in Stockholm takes about 30 minutes. It´s a perfect way to start the day. Listening to the albums Great Escape and Mercy Falls gives me some of the energy I need before my hectic schedule kicks in!
I'm listening to Music pretty much constantly 9-530 Monday to Friday and its more likely than not that Seventh Wonder will be put on some point in the day. Then I go home and run the The Great Escape on guitar. So pretty much everyday unless I'm addicted to something new.
About 20 minutes every day. I listen to music all the time, and it's usually Iron Maiden, The Strokes, SW or DT. I think I've listened to them everyday the past 10 months!
I haven't been listening much in the past few weeks, but when I check my most played on my iPod (which I got in the summer of last year, so about a years worth of listening) my most played song is Seventh Wonder - Move On Through. And one of the top played songs is Seventh Wonder - The Great Escape, with 115 last time I checked. So that's 58 hours listening to that song alone since last December, not including occasions where I've listened to it not on my iPod (not that often since I generally listen on iPod speakers or on headphones), listened part of the way through and been interrupted, or got to the end and selected a new song before it reaches the very end of the track.

That's probably the best indication.
I've been catching up on my two podcasts the last week or so but I listen to a little SW every day... I've got an hour commute and I'm lucky enough to get to listen to my iPod at work - when I don't have sports talk on, I'm spinning tune-age :D
I listen to SW every other day or so and especially Friday and Saturday nights when my wife is at work. While making dinner for my kids I listen to my iPod and have some beers. I probably average
12 to 15 hours a week of listening to music so SW is always in there somewhere.
Not a day goes by without listening to Seventh Wonder! I get to listen to them everyday because I have my flash drive in my car that has all their CDs loaded up and then I have my WMP running all day at work with a mix that includes all 4 CDs again. LOL! I just can't get enough of their music!!
I'd say most days! I do go through a rotation.. One week I might be into Maiden, then the next I might be into Queensryche, but Seventh Wonder (and DT) seem to be constant.
hmm... I listen to my music 10 hours a day, SW taking 1 or 2 hours; and I don't get tired of it. It's just beautiful. But... then again, I keep my headphones on everyday, (almost) all day long. I really need to change my routine, or I may end up in Mercy Falls.
So far, almost every day. Sometimes just a song or two, sometimes a whole album. I should acutally prepare for the summer festivals and listening to those bands but in the end I always return to SW.

I'm usually listening while going to work and during lunch break. I have a lot of stuff on my mp3 player, but if I need something comforting, SW is the music to go to the last couple of months. :)
I listen to music all the time and all SW albums is in rotation with RPWL, Amaranthe and many more.
It's probably safe to say once a week. There are sometimes it is more, and others where it might be less. They are permanent residents on my mp3 player though!
Lately, it seems like every day. I either exercise in the morning to SW, Kamelot or Therion, but since I just bought all the SW cds, it's been SW almost exclusively. You might say I'm obsessed.