How Often do you...

whoeever said that pics in your avatar and sig arent rememberable... Warrel knew me by the name of Will because of it! The man has a good memory... then again, 1/2 of the posts on this board are by me anyway, so... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

i change it when i feel like it... right now im on a huge Labyrinth kick
The Heart Collector said:
I change mine with my moods, and right now I look and feel like Death.
Are you wearing a really cool cloak thingy? That would be cool...

dead6skin6mask6 said:
whoeever said that pics in your avatar and sig arent rememberable... Warrel knew me by the name of Will because of it! The man has a good memory... then again, 1/2 of the posts on this board are by me anyway, so... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

i change it when i feel like it... right now im on a huge Labyrinth kick
You answered your own question. ;)
Seriously though, I still remember the avatar you used when I first started posting......the one with the three designs on the black, blue green and red. You made a post about it doing something if you scrolled up and down....
As often as I find one I like better, or if the current one annoys me. Not very often really except for the 'die you stupid happy banana' one. That got on my nerves in short order.
When I find a just the right pic of a thorazine tablet, I'll change it. As it stands, where I steal all my favorite cover art has changed their dimensions....and I'm sticking with the one I have for another 5 months.