How promotion and money :)

Feb 13, 2009
Czech republic
I want to ask you if any of you have some incomes form things like CDbaby and iTunes. I am starting to feel that our band is spending more time on facebook, myspace and others than in rehearsing room.

Send some tips of your music promotion.
I make pennies from music but would recommend not bothering with itunes and cd baby and use bandcamp. Also gigging is how (imo) money is made as a band.
Play more gigs and sell hard copies of your cd and shirts at the gigs you play. Flyer gigs in your area with ads about your band (myspace, facebook, email, artwork etc... should be on the flyers).
It may be old-fashioned and diy but it's the only feasible way of making money from your music when you are unsigned.
Gigs, gigs, gigs!
The bad part about Finland is that no one bothers to go to gigs anymore :erk: Even for bigger bands! :zombie: I saw Satyricon in Oulu, and I swear there couldn't have been more than 50 people watching! And that's in the unofficial metal capital of Finland, and the 6th largest city :lol:

For my bands, there's usually 10-15 people actively listening, and some 20-35 others (probably just for beer). And for every 5 shows, there's someone who buys a CD or a shirt :lol: Luckily pretty much all venues (even small) cover fuel expenses for non-local bands.
Here it is quite the same. And with this fucking economic recession everybody is saving money just for beer. And our venues doesn't cover anything.
I like playing live and it is my hobby but i don't want to bleed out economically too.
Here it is quite the same. And with this fucking economic recession everybody is saving money just for beer. And our venues doesn't cover anything.
I like playing live and it is my hobby but i don't want to bleed out economically too.

Not sure how you would bleed out...

Not many bands make money and if this is a hobby your going to spend money, lose money or break even. No one buys CDs anymore, make tons of shirts and sell them at your shows but first you need a fan base. You need to play shows and PROMOTE the hell out of you band, give away demos, stickers and everything else. Treat your band as a business, do ton of promotion and marketing and the rest will fall into place.