I need a singer for a 2 songs demo!!


des scoubidoubidous wha !
Jan 15, 2007
Cheers folks!

Our psychotic violent and disturbed singer has left the band, for the best of course, this summer. We wrote music and we want to release a short 2 songs demo for promotion and label quest!

We're into melodic/progressive yet "agressive" metal.
We need a strong metal voice and real melodic singing abilities. Think Scar Symmetry, Soilwork, Trevor (Toxic Grind Machine stuff), but of course in your own style. No need to copy anybody else, we want someone with his own personality.

Here is what we put out last year : http://www.myspace.com/forcedevolutionmusic
We made a lot of progress since this last effort, both on songwriting and producing.

Here is our presskit : http://users.skynet.be/fc032036/FEPresskit.pdf

If you are interested, I'll be happy to hear some of your works. Then I could send you the tracks for you to give it a try!!

This work would be for the sake of promotion only.
If you live in the area Belgium/France/Luxemburg, there is actually an opening for the singer spot. If not we can do everything via internet concerning the recording.

Dude, i have to say, when i was mixing the track...

he was the single worst singer i have ever ever ever ever listened to....

My girlfriend came in and said "band sounds awesome, who is it? And do they have a girl on vocals?"
Yep it was.

It was done in 2 hours on a sunday morning. A SM57 directly in a firebox. i am not dissapointed by the result.
Its not perfect but for a demo its good.
Is lyric writing part of the process? I tend to get stuck on writing lyrics pretty often. Hard to find inspiration. I'm not saying I want to try out, I'm just curious. I don't do clean vocals because I'm fairly confident I would suck at them.
Is lyric writing part of the process? I tend to get stuck on writing lyrics pretty often. Hard to find inspiration. I'm not saying I want to try out, I'm just curious. I don't do clean vocals because I'm fairly confident I would suck at them.

Lyrics could be part of the process. Well as long as it is not our mother language, it is not so easy for us neither sometimes. So writing it together is the best alternative.
Oh cool. Yea I'd probably give it a shot but I don't do clean stuff because I suck and writing lyrics is like a road block for me most of the time. Good luck though! Your music sounds straight ill, yo.
Oh cool. Yea I'd probably give it a shot but I don't do clean stuff because I suck and writing lyrics is like a road block for me most of the time. Good luck though! Your music sounds straight ill, yo.

Good, I'll send you more music in 2 or 3 weeks when I am back from a trip and when I have time to finish all the guitars, keys and stuff for 2 others songs.
Oh cool, so you don't mind if its all scream/death type shit? I'm down then. I guess for lyrics you can kind of give me a topic or whatever and we can collaborate from there.
Oh cool, so you don't mind if its all scream/death type shit? I'm down then. I guess for lyrics you can kind of give me a topic or whatever and we can collaborate from there.

Yeah I think we could work something out!! Great stuff on the Aeons Collapse myspace. You know it does not have to be real totally clean vocals. We're open. For example, on Pervading light, at 01:39, you cleary put a not clear note on the vocals. That kind of singing is also nice.

Of course the lyrics we can develop something. We usually have basic lines and rythmics in our heads.

I think I could do some clean stuff but i'm totally useless as lyricst hehe, that's why I don't sing for my own band.

Hell Yeah !! You have a vocals demo I could hear ? Maybe a quick cover ? The Dandelium Myspace sounds great, Thorns is huge.
Oh, ok like the yelly shit then. I'm all about it. I did some guest vocals/lyrics for this dude a while back:


It was pretty fun as I've never really considered myself a vocalist. I only do them for my project out of necessity. I'm trying to explore my capabilities a bit more because I've never taken them seriously until a couple months ago.

If you have any ideas for lyrical topics I might be able bust some stuff out. It's mainly finding the idea that troubles me. Also whenever you send the file you can tel me where you want verses and where you want just instruments and what not, that will help a lot.

Maybe Dandelium could throw parts in as well. It could be pretty cool to have 2 voices.

For discussing ideas and stuff PM me or contact me on myspace.