How the hell is this possible?


Feb 1, 2008
This isn't the average post on here, but I had to share this. I apologize if this isn't appropriate for this forum (this is mixing related though), so feel free to delete it.

I have known these guys for a while. They recently recorded at a studio which they claim to be a part of Sony. They just informed me that they spent around $4,500 on this..

This MUST have been some kind of sick joke..

I saw the studio videos they made, and it's a legit studio, but please tell me how this is possible..

At first I thought it was hilarious, and then they told me about how much they spent. Does this call for a lawsuit or what? :zombie::puke:
Apparently yes way.. blegh..

I've been talking to one of the guys, just to let them know that what they got was pure shit. He claims these are the unmastered versions, but this is still horrendous.
Holy shit, I'm not even good at all at sound engineering but I could have done a better job for 50 bucks, let alone 4 and a half grand :mad:
This kind of treatment should be made illegal.


but honestly, bands that go to studios like that solely based on a big name almost deserve this. I can assume this studio had no previous experience with metal bands. Such a dumb reason to record somewhere.

But that is by far the worst recording quality to price ratio i've ever heard. It's so bad that i almost dont believe it(although i'm sure you're not lying)
Currently fixing a mix of a metal band that recorded at another studio here in Brisbane. Sounded atrocious. Drums were horrible. Ohs were done in an 'xy' format but the mic placement was fucked. The guitar tones sounded terrible and the di honestly looks like they plugged a lead up the engineers ass and micd up what came out of his mouth. It's so unusable.

Eight and a half thousand dollars. Such a joke.
Fuck. The YouTube vid on their myspace of the guy playing guitar is everything that is wrong with guitarists nowadays.

No kidding man.
I just watched it too. Geezus christ, someone either take that kid's instruments away or give him some fucking guitar lessons. He's even shittier than me on guitar :puke:
I have recorded more godawful guitar tones, but the reason was that the guitarist insisted to use his multifx pedal (I think it was zoom) with nothing after it, because it was "his sound". But atleast the studiorates were more reasonable (I think it was like 200€ for 3 days or something).