How the hell is this sound made?

In this video?

You sure we're listening to the same thing? I only hear guitars with a lot of reverb (and bass and drums)

We are hearing the same thing, at least the same video. I'm hearing the same thing as you in terms of instruments, but there's a mid frequency layer that I've never heard from a guitar before. Vocal like.

At least that's what I think you'd call mids. Never got confident that I knew what people meant by that.

BTW, I mistakenly posted a link that ended with "embedded#at=17", I edited it to be 00, but the "embedded#at=17" didn't effect me, so I'm still a little confused. I might be some uber weird conflict with my Grado SR80's (Which I'm having to use) but the odds on that are slim.
I've got the some headphones at home, but I'm at work right now. I'm also not in a good listening environment here (loud air conditioning). Maybe someone else will hear it.
I'm listening on headphones and I still don't know what you're talking about. The only thing I think you might be referring to is the sound of the rhythm guitar tone in-general. Is that what you're asking? To me it just sounds like a shitty amp, guitar, mic placement, room, and tracking; thus resulting in a bad tone.

Maybe try wrapping a plastic party cup around/in-front of a 57 and slap that in front of a solid-state amp and you might achieve a similar tone. :lol:
Maybe try wrapping a plastic party cup around/in-front of a 57 and slap that in front of a solid-state amp and you might achieve a similar tone. :lol:

lol that was something I thought, It to me sounded like a cab mic'ed as normal mixed with a mic stuffed into a plastic tube in front of the amp.

It just sounds like nothing I've heard before. For the effect/colouring as a tool I can very much imagine using this sound as an occasional layer or at least learning from it.
I think I hear what you mean.
My guess its a combination of strange reverb/room sound with a bad amp and strange EQ nods / very bad mic placing...or multiple mics placed bad.
Sounds really shitty in general...1985 can do better ;)
I'd say you're confusing how low the guitar is in the mix, on that second track, with reverb.
Upon second listen though - it's definitely just bad mic placement on the first track.