how to buy 'saviour' at cool price straight from Duncan?


New Metal Member
Feb 28, 2002
hi there,

for those who didn't/couldn't buy bombastic antimatter's debut album 'saviour', you can order it at cool price straight from Duncan. he's got a few copies of the russian version which features booklet with lyrics.

For more information, send a mail to :

Booklet with lyrics would have been nice. Although it's not exactly difficult to work out what the vocalists are saying... Still, my own greed dictates that I want as much stuff packed into the damn thing as possible! ;)
Originally posted by mehdi.i.e.e.e
support the band and buy a copy :)

Again? Hey, I'm all for supporting the band, but I can't afford to buy two copies of the same album, one with and one without the lyrics! :)
I picked up a copy at Resurrection records in Camden at the weekend - sad to say that I'm disappointed with it.

My copy's up for trade!

Don Corleone,

of course he can send the CDs to foreign lands. for price and further info ask him straightly to the email address i mentionned on the first post :)
When did Antimatter change labels? I have a promo of them from Icon Records based in Australia. I do remember Duncan telling me that they'd screwed the band though.

NP: The Black League - Utopia A.D.
