How to choose a tempo...


Drummer Chick
Jan 11, 2007
I was wondering. I realized this when I noticed that when Bodom plays live, it's rather they speed up the music or slow it down. To set a tempo for each song for the cd, how would you even think about that? I mean, some songs can be 180 BPM, while others can be 100 BPM. I can understand if Alexi's playing a really fast riff and couldn't play it live if it was too fast... but what about the slow songs? I don't know, if anyone has any ideas, I would like to know.
I think this guy just bought a metronome like a month ago. Or has been playing around with the speed in guitar pro or somthing.

Beats on a metronome arn't always quarter notes. Its actually better if every beat is beat 2 and 4 when counting, so like. 1 click 3 click ect.

I don't think you sit there with written music when about to record and think "I wonder how many bpm this song will be!" The drummer sets a time, and you stick with it.

Also, people don't use metronomes on stage. Live music is almost always going to be different from CD. You know when the drummer hits his cymbol 4 times before a song starts? Guess what hes doing there!
What the fuck are you people talking about?

She's asking how do bands choose the tempo of a riff. For example, Alexi wrote the main chugga riff to Everytime I Die, but what made him decide to put it in a song at that tempo. What made him or the band chose to play the riff to Bed of Razors at that tempo and not faster or slower.

I think the live bit means maybe he chooses a tempo that he's comfortable with so he can play it live even if they speed it up a little bit due to adrenaline.

I think it just comes from jamming out the riff at hime and experiementing with all different speeds and feels seeing what sounds best.