How to create Sine waves on Cubase?


Jun 17, 2008
This band Im working on wants some 808 in their songs, and I been looking at samples but there not what their looking for, so what I figured that maybe i can make them but I have no idea how to create sine waves on cubase.

Im thinking of making some sine waves at 75hz or so, maybe they will cut through mix better.
Use the test tone generator (Plugins --> Tools --> TestToneGenerator) and sidechain-gate the track with the bassdrum as key.
Hmm, seems i can learn even more here. Why use these sine waves? I tried this in pro-tools on a kickdrum track. It works.... but why is it applyed? Generate sub-bass? Or to activate the sub more when using 2.1 speakers?
is it just me or does cubases tonetestgenerator not support sidechaining? i really want to tie it to my kick for some beef