How to emulate a bass guitar in low tunings...


Dec 13, 2010
hey guys. I currently don't own a bass guitar so i have to use my electric guitar to emulate a bass. I know there have been threads on this topic, but i have not found one that deals with low tunings. Back when i played my guitar in drop d or c and pitched it down an octave, it sounded fine. But that i'm playing in drop A, it just doesn't work anymore. any tips?
Get the cheapest bass you can find, it will be better than any pitch shifting trick
I'll also add make friends with a bass player to the list of suggestions. Why is everyone making music in a vacuum on here? When I was in high school and college I couldn't throw a rock without hitting other musicians.

I think everyone these days is a bit too worried at being able to say "I did all this myself. I wrote it, played and recorded all the instruments, mixed and mastered it, drew the artwork etc etc"
When actually collaborating with a decent bass player/drummer/guest guitarist might actually benefit the project as a whole musically and from a production standpoint.

Just about every single one of my friends is a musician of some kind. I know for a fact that I could get hold of a bass, drum kit, cymbals, guitar or amp in a couple of hours from a friend if I wanted to record some stuff and didn't have equipment of my own.

Music to me is all about the chemistry and creativity you get from working with other musicians. I suck at writing songs on my own but when I get together with the guitar player in my band we write some great stuff by bouncing off each other and using our different styles and influences to make something much more unique than either of us can create on our own.
I'm sure, if your recording bass, you can find a friend to loan you a bass until you can by one. Most bass players I know have more than one bass. I agree with the above posters, buy a cheap bass. I'm a guitar player, I got one for $60, and sub in on bass with it.

I think everyone these days is a bit too worried at being able to say "I did all this myself. I wrote it, played and recorded all the instruments, mixed and mastered it, drew the artwork etc etc"
When actually collaborating with a decent bass player/drummer/guest guitarist might actually benefit the project as a whole musically and from a production standpoint.

Just about every single one of my friends is a musician of some kind. I know for a fact that I could get hold of a bass, drum kit, cymbals, guitar or amp in a couple of hours from a friend if I wanted to record some stuff and didn't have equipment of my own.

Music to me is all about the chemistry and creativity you get from working with other musicians. I suck at writing songs on my own but when I get together with the guitar player in my band we write some great stuff by bouncing off each other and using our different styles and influences to make something much more unique than either of us can create on our own.

I'm not worried about saying i did everything, its just that even if i borrowed a bass from a friend, it wouldn't be able to handle the tunings
Sorry man that wasn't specifically aimed at yourself. Just a general rant.

Do you not know anyone who has a 5 string bass? Slap some heavy strings on it and I'm sure it would be ok for Drop A.

I'm sure, if your recording bass, you can find a friend to loan you a bass until you can by one. Most bass players I know have more than one bass. I agree with the above posters, buy a cheap bass. I'm a guitar player, I got one for $60, and sub in on bass with it.

Totally, I was at my local cash generator the other week and there was a OLP Music Man copy for £60! Would have walked out of the shop with it if it was a 5 string!
Sorry man that wasn't specifically aimed at yourself. Just a general rant.

Do you not know anyone who has a 5 string bass? Slap some heavy strings on it and I'm sure it would be ok for Drop A.

Totally, I was at my local cash generator the other week and there was a OLP Music Man copy for £60! Would have walked out of the shop with it if it was a 5 string!

Oh, my bad. and nope don't know anybody with a 5 string :(
Again, echoing everyone else. Just buy a shitty, cheap bass and it'll be way better than pitch shifting a guitar. Hell, a band I tracked with bought a new bass after the first song we recorded together and left the old one with me. It's only an Ibanez Gio but it shits on pitch shifting.

I thought I had a comparison in my dropbox but turns out I only have this mix WITH that bass.

Its a crappy bass with pretty old strings, but compared to no bass, programmed bass or pitch shifted guitar its godlike. Just need the right type of picking, player, blah blah blah