How to get high legally?

It's not the drug that causes the problem, it's the people. I know some people that smoke tons of weed and don't ever do JACK SHIT. I also know other people that smoke tons of weed and have extremely active, healthy, fun lives.
I think one of the most important arguments in the weed vs. alcohol debate is that you can overdose on alcohol, pretty easily too. With weed, no matter how much you smoke (it would be an absurb amount at once) you can't die.

Anyway man, if you really want a legal high you could try salvia, but I warn you; it is INCREDIBLY different from weed. There's actually not much of a comparison. Salvia throws you into a totally different dimension for but a few minutes. It's pretty insane. I was actually talking to a funny guy from El Salvador the other night and he said "I thought I was going to die!" "Worst night of my life man." Hah, you really have to be in the perfect environment and mind set to do it. It can be an ecstatic experience if done correctly and you have a good trip.

Whatever you do don't try DXM (the drug in Robotussin). I've heard it's pretty fucked up although I haven't done it myself.
i'm pretty sure thats only if you do cough medicines with other shit in them. you can do shit with only dxm in it and be fine but drinking cough syrup to trip is pretty gay.
Haha, I don't justify it, it's a fact that alcohol makes you feel like total ass the next day in excess and weed doesn't. Also, weed doesn't ruin lives, kill, or give withdrawls. Alcohol does, so cut the bullshit.

No matter how much you debate the topic of Alcohol vs. Weed, the fact that they both do serious damage won't change. If you think weed doesn't do any harm then you are an idiot. Take one case for instance, this one person I know was having stressful mood swings as a teenager and went to a doctor. The doctor actually recommended they smoked weed to get rid of the mood swings, turns out they had Bipolar Disorder, and the weed caused it to develop into Schizo-Bipolar Disorder, in which they saw people, people who beckoned the person I know to commit suicide, and also to "recruit" other people and to get them to commit suicide.

I have nothing against smoking weed, I honestly don't care if people do. But you are very wrong in saying that it doesn't do anything, and if anyone has a mental illness and decides to smoke weed then you are either ignorant or want to be seriously fucked up.
No matter how much you debate the topic of Alcohol vs. Weed, the fact that they both do serious damage won't change. If you think weed doesn't do any harm then you are an idiot. Take one case for instance, this one person I know was having stressful mood swings as a teenager and went to a doctor. The doctor actually recommended they smoked weed to get rid of the mood swings, turns out they had Bipolar Disorder, and the weed caused it to develop into Schizo-Bipolar Disorder, in which they saw people, people who beckoned the person I know to commit suicide, and also to "recruit" other people and to get them to commit suicide.

I have nothing against smoking weed, I honestly don't care if people do. But you are very wrong in saying that it doesn't do anything, and if anyone has a mental illness and decides to smoke weed then you are either ignorant or want to be seriously fucked up.

I think you're the idiot for not seeing that weed just brought out a disorder that was going to come out at some point anyway. Besides, mental illness potential wasn't really part of the discussion. Now, what Kevin writes, about people doing absolutely nothing and just smoke weed all day (like me this past vacation), well...that's harmful because your physical body isn't active and because you don't get much done. But weed itself doesn't cause mental problems, or I would have a good many, and a lot of other people. For someone pre-destined to have a mental condition, weed MIGHT bring it out but even that sounds ridiculous and alcohol still is FAR worse in my eyes.
As a guy who is high pretty much all day every day I will be the first to tell you weed can ruin your life if you dont have the self discipline to use it in moderation.

I have OCD, anxiety disorder, and very minor teretts syndrome, and marijuana makes them all much worse.

"You are an idiot for still doing then"

That I am. But if you are smart and responsible Marijuna is nothing but a very enjoyable passtime. I wont even begin on how much better it makes music.
Every no matter how innocent looking thing can damage someones live if it becomes obsession. That's all I have to say.
If anything, when I have the weed, it actually kills the anxiety. Thats why I'm so damn careful with it. Moderation with it ensures I can enjoy it to the fullest without dependency.
As a guy who is high pretty much all day every day I will be the first to tell you weed can ruin your life if you dont have the self discipline to use it in moderation.

I have OCD, anxiety disorder, and very minor teretts syndrome, and marijuana makes them all much worse.

"You are an idiot for still doing then"

That I am. But if you are smart and responsible Marijuna is nothing but a very enjoyable passtime. I wont even begin on how much better it makes music.
:Smug: music is just the same on and off weed. awesome!
I prefer weed to hash, although I smoke both rarely...a few times a year maybe, and no more than a joint at a time.

I dunno...maybe I'm just weird.

Ok, not maybe. I'm just weird.