How To Growl.

i found this by accident on ...maybe it helps ;)

I'm gonna be a student of the University. And I'm considering starting the band what I've been dreaming of for a long time. In this band I want to start my vocal carrier as the death metal singer. So I'd like to receive any advise from you Angela on vocal exercizes what you always do to improve your growl. Thanks.
TAK (Japan)

Hi Tak,
to improve your vocals any form of classic vocal exercise will help you. You should learn the common breathing techniques. Articulation and pronunciation are very important too. And timing! I advice you to get a good vocal coach you should visit at least once a week. There you will learn to do the right exercises without damaging your voice. You will not find somebody who will teach you death growls. This you have to try on your own in a rehearsal room. Start slowly and carefully. When you get extremely hoarse after growling, you pressure your vocal chords too much. Try to growl "muted and gentle". When you are comfortable with this you can get louder... Here are some tips: 1. Do some easy physical warm-ups before vocalizing!!! Begin with five minutes of humming a. Random humming, lips trills and sliding exercises in mid range. b. Gradually add minutes to each session and more sessions per day. c. Begin vocalizing only in the middle voice and gradually and cautiously extend the range up and down. Lip trills are excellent. Always "warm-down" after singing or performing, particularly after strenuous singing. Using easy humming exercises, etc.,
Good luck!
About the damage...

Growling does not use the vocal cords. Above the vocal cords are 2 folds of muscle called false cords, and when you growl, these close. It's called a ventricular voice... or something...

The reason you get a sore voice after, is because once you close the false cords, it takes a while for them to retract, and you can't get much air through to speak. And I think they push on the vocal cords which can cause nodes, which if you get, you will not be alowed to speak for months until they are gone.

Growling, in the long run, will wreck your voice. All training will do is prolong it.

I stopped growling, and am focusing on my melodic singing, with only occasional growls, as I don't want to wreck my voice.

All of this info is from a voice trainer by the way... so don't bitch to me saying I am wrong.
I heard that you're meant to growl from the gut, rather than the throat. Whenever I try to growl, I can't do this, it always comes from the throat. I don't know how to physically make myself growl from the gut/belly. Any help going??