How to punish Telemarketers!

That's pretty funny.I got to play devil's advocate as I'm a former telemarketer & my primary gig is market research which is similar only we don't sell stuff, just do surveys.
I've heard 'em all!I get people on the phone who try to be jack asses but I shoot it right back at 'em.It comes with experience.There's no way to trace calls like that even if there's a number on your caller ID cause usually its on a computer system that can't get in coming calls so dialing it is useless.

A misconception is having an unlisted number or being on the "Do Not Call List".First of all having an unlisted number only protects you from weirdos looking your name up in the phone book.There's a thing called random digit dialing where the computer dialing system picks an area code & then makes up the remaining 7 digits.Go ahead & try it yourself.Make up a number & you'll get an unlisted number,payphone,cell phone,pager,fax machine,business, the options are endless.Even celebrities get these calls!
The thing about random digit dialing is there's no way to identify that the number the computer makes up is on the "Do not call list."

A common misconception about the "Do not call list"is that it IS perfectly legal for a market research company(which is what I do) to call people on the list because we are NOT telemarkters.Telemarketers try & sell you stuff & get you into a program where your constantly buying products.Market research is just an opinion poll nothing more.
It may be annoying to get these calls but keep in mind if I call you some night to do a survey, remember,YOU'RE the one at home kickin' it! I'M the one at work slaving away for 8 hours so who's really suffering??
One of my co-workers always asks the telemarketers for their home phone number so he can call them back later. :lol:

I have cell phone with caller ID, so I don't pick it up if it's not someone I want to talk to. When I had a land line and got a telemarketer asking for me, I'd say "Hang on a sec, let me get him.." and just put the phone down and go back to what I was doing.
One of my co-workers always asks the telemarketers for their home phone number so he can call them back later. :lol:

I have cell phone with caller ID, so I don't pick it up if it's not someone I want to talk to. When I had a land line and got a telemarketer asking for me, I'd say "Hang on a sec, let me get him.." and just put the phone down and go back to what I was doing.

So you're the one that does that!!:mad: I hate it when they tell me to old on & just put the phone down & leave me hangin'Unfortunantly taht's not gooing to solve teh problem>They'll call you back again.Insist & make it crystal clear you DO NOT want to be called back.That'll get rid of 'em

Yeah I get the goof balls asking me for my home number & I tell them this is my home & I don't have one!I can get pretty creative with these types.
One day a telemarketer called, I placed the phone next to the radio and let them listen to Rush Limbaugh, a half hour later, they were still on the phone.