How To: song buildup effect thing or something

Feb 18, 2011
So i tried doing a search for what im looking for, problem is i don't really know what its called. Perhaps a frequency sweep? idk. but i've been trying to automate something similar in Logic but i really can't get the same sound and i searched everywhere for answers on doing it right so i decided it was time for a post. what im trying to achieve is something similar to this intro

the whole frequency sweep thing.

also Scissors61 did a really good example of it here

anyone know of any tutorials or something that could help me out? Like i said i've tried multiple times. I did the whole automation of the EQ sweet low to high but im not getting the right sound.
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Tt seems to me the pink noise sweep is just another track. You can hear the guitar below it and it doesn't have the EQ changed.