How to you pin/mark your favorite (gtr cab) mic position?


Dec 29, 2007
After spending hours and hours of moving an SM57 around millimeter by millimeter, I found something that I would call my (currently) favorite mic position. But how do I pin this exact position? Even the slightest move of the stand, the mic or whatever totally changes the sound. How do you pin your favorite mic position?
There are things like the Amp Clamp, but I think they do not work very good with a cab like a Mesa 4x12.
Print out something like this or
(choose your size there, but, you can find some other template also)

Then, put it on the grille cloth, and just draw the position of the mic head on that paper. As there are squares, it's pretty easy.

After that, just measure the distance of the mic head from the grille and write it down. Also, if you are not sure if you'll remember the mic head angle comparing to the cloth, take a bird's eye pic, right above the mic and your cab ;)
You can see how I do it. This is on an old Vintage Marshall and I am sure it de-values the shit out of it but I dont give a fuck. Not like I am selling any time soon!


Photo taken for mic angle (not really just a quick setup so you get the

Far left mark is the 5150 on a V30 - Lead Tone
Right of that and 1 square down 5150 v30 - Rhythm Tone
Right of that 1 square down - Valve King v30 - Lead Tone
Right of that 1 square up - Krank - v30 Rhythm Tone

Marks on the bottom are GT65s used for clean tones

I just use a Sharpie :) - FYI is you have a BLACK grill cloth you can use a silver sharpie :)
^^ it's the same principle as mine, the difference being that mine is applicable to all cabs, and yours is applicable just to...well, cabs that have cloth with squares. The exact same principle tho :)

edit: ohhhh, I misunderstood, you are using a sharpie :erk:
I thought it was duct tape (and you using it to "fill" the grill cloth squares).
Not something I could do, because I don't mic my cab, just other people's. Did that once tho, on my friend's 6505 cab, but I like this method with paper template more. Cleaner and more precise.
I'm pretty sure the speakers will survive the horrendous chalk abuse.
For my 4x12 I'm thinking of removing the basketweave so I can get better accuracy when micing it. The basketweave is not easy to see through!
You can see how I do it. This is on an old Vintage Marshall and I am sure it de-values the shit out of it but I dont give a fuck. Not like I am selling any time soon!


Photo taken for mic angle (not really just a quick setup so you get the

Far left mark is the 5150 on a V30 - Lead Tone
Right of that and 1 square down 5150 v30 - Rhythm Tone
Right of that 1 square down - Valve King v30 - Lead Tone
Right of that 1 square up - Krank - v30 Rhythm Tone

Marks on the bottom are GT65s used for clean tones

I just use a Sharpie :) - FYI is you have a BLACK grill cloth you can use a silver sharpie :)

your mic is too close ;)