How was everyones weekend?


Feb 4, 2002
I had a blast. An old friend came to visit from the west coast. MY roomates kept checking out her ass and are amazed I didnt want to fuck her (I'm almost engaged). Found a original reissue of the Optimus Prime Transformer toy at Toys R us. Ate drank was merry. Went to a benifit show at CB's. And realized I am becoming more and more afraid of heights as I get older, the empire state building is now less amazing and kind of scary when I think about disaster 86 floors up!
Originally posted by TD
long legs, blonde hair, blue eyes, and slut red toe nail polish.

hot diggity dang! now that sounds like typical pin-up blonde?? Am I right?

excuse the language here but she looks very much "fuckable" to me.
She's a cutie. Have I dated better looking ones? Yeah, but in the end they were "caught up in their own vanity" (or something like that) and in the end they were bitches (or ho's hahaha) At any rate, I'm done looking for centerfolds and more into compatibility, if she's cute (and she is) then that is a plus.
Ty, you're absolutely right (as usual). Cuteness is a bonus. You have to go for the cool, non-psycho girls.
Especially when you're 30. And every cute girl your age is married, living with the boyfriend, has 4 kids, etc.

I met this girl my age at the bar a few months ago.
My friend asked, "Is she hot?"
I should have said, "No, dude, she's single."
Actually, she is cute, but not HOT. But that relationship lasted 2 whole days. She was the last girl I've dated and that ended about 3 1/2 months ago.

Now I've reached the point where I don't care that I'm single.
You know, that point where you can check out the fine ladies, but you don't care that they're taken, and you don't feel lonely like you do after a break-up.

Does that make sense? Like, when you've just broke up with someone, there's a point where you feel really lonley for a while? Well, I'm past that point.
It feels good.
One of my best friends could have (and did have) any girl he wanted. I'm not trying to sound gay, but I mean this guy was flawless. He was the damned starting pitcher for the Toledo Rockets, he has his degree, he comes from a loaded family, so he wasn't like a dumb jock, he was the classy jock you wanted to hate but couldn't find anything wrong with him. Anyway, he married a very average girl. But a sweet gal, a good wife, and a great mother. He told me, man to man "I've fucked every centerfold cheerleader I ever wanted dude, I wouldn't marry one of those stuck up bitches to save my life, I've got a loyal wife and that is all I wanted." So you play the field, then you find a keeper. You ever notice how couples where both people are great looking &/or rich are 90% of the time, miserable???
There are beautiful people, and there are decent people.
Finding a beautiful, decent person is not easy. Just go for the decent ones.
And another thing: You can meet girls who are hot, hot, HOT!!
And sometimes they are really cool at the same time (but they aren't available).
But a lot of these HOT chicks are stuck up. This self-righteousness can cancel out the hotness. And make them unattractive.
Here are some words of wisdom from a bathromm wall somewhere:

"No matter how hot she is, some guy is sick of putting up with her shit."

How true. Find one who is compatible and not 100% into herself, and go with it!
I've been telling myself this for a while, but haven't owned up. And even though I've never had a really long lasting successful relationship w/ any my girls, I've gotten a reputation amongst my family and friends as only dating educated high maintenance hotties, or rock chicks (hotties w/ piercings and tattoos, although they are seemingly not as vain, they are still a pain in the ass - they go to extremes at the thrift stores, think "Packaged Rebellion" I'd honestly just rather have the girl who wants to shop at Lazarus and Marshall Fields.) So anyway, I don't care if she's not an 11 on the 10 scale. It isn't like I'm dating 5's either!!! I'm just more concerned w/ someone who is a good person. It must be a mid-20's thing :)
u dont see these chicks walking around the srteets do u lol
I hope I'll be still dating cute girls in my thirties... some of my friends are already married and have kids, hell, noooooooo....