how was friday night???

Hehehe, that's the reason I am here now too.
How was last night?
I have a house full of out of town guests (last minute), so I couldn't blow em off all weekend.

Did Solitude Aeturnus own the fuckin' place?
I bet they did!!

See you all tonight!
We missed Shattered Messiah (damn traffic, then the GPS kept going out so we got a bit off track). Suspyre got delayed due to something happening with their flight. Shattered Messiah was there, so they stepped up and played first. Very cool. We caught the second half of Suspyre and they sounded good. Benedictum put on a great show. They sounded good and they had a lot of presence on stage. They were cool to talk to also. Solitude Aeturnus was started their set with some really plodding stuff. It was pretty good, but hard to get into live. The second half of their set was a bit more upbeat (for doom) and sounded good. I liked them. Lethal sounded really good and they put on a pretty good show. Pretty generic stuff for my tastes though. We left early as YardleyBates had to be up at 5 and we had an hour drive home. I was struggling to stay awake at the end of the drive.

I can't talk about the turnout. I *think* the numbers were about what they were last year, but The Pearl Room is so much bigger than the previous places, so it's hard to tell. People were much more spread out. The one problem with The Pearl Room is there is NO seating. Well, there are about 15-18 stools around the bar and room for about 15 people to sit on a step on the far side of the bar.

Talked to Lance and Yan a bit. They're cool as always.
I missed Shatter Messiah as well but was there for the rest of the show. Here are a few pics of some of the VIPs. :)


I'll have to try to get a better pic of Rob tonight. ;)



More to follow...