How would you rate the albums?

The Arrival - 10/10

Every song is great in its own way. There are no boring parts or filler tracks. The production is perfect, and it's written very well.
Penetralia - 8/10
Osculum Obcenum - 6/10
The 4th Dimension - 8/10
Abducted - 9/10
The Final Chapter - 9/10
Hypocrisy - 9/10
Into the Abyss - 6/10
Catch 22 - 5/10
The Arrival - 8/10

Why? Because that's like, my opinion, man.
Mine would be something like that:

Penetralia: 7/10
Osculum Obscenum: 7/10
Fourth Dimension: 7,5/10
Abducted: 9/10
The Final Chapter: 10/10
Destroys Wacken: 9,5/10
Hypocrisy: 10/10
Into The Abyss: 8,5/10
Catch 22: 9,5/10
The Arrival: 9/10

Must admit I don't know Penetralia ans OO that well. The sound quality is what annoys me most though, cause I really love the rerecorded versions on 10 Years... especially Penetralia rocks!
Penetralia is awesome old school Swedish death metal, I never really appreciated it until I saw Hyporisy play some of that stuff live, and I realized how amazing some of those riffs are.
Penetralia: 6/10
Osculum Obscenum: 6/10
Fourth Dimension: 7/10
Abducted: 8/10
The Final Chapter: 8/10
Destroys Wacken: 8/10
Hypocrisy: 10/10
Into The Abyss: 9/10
Catch 22: 8/10
The Arrival: 10/10
nice topic, although i hate shit like that *g*

penetralia: 7/10 // quite good, but i don't like all songs
osculum obscenum: 9/10 // "pleasure of molestation" alone is worth the buy of it ;)
the fourth dimension: 5/10 // some great ones, some not so great ones, imo
abducted: 9/10 // almost perfect
the final chapter: 9/10 // brought me into hypocrisy and nearly every song is great, imo
[no live-album rating here]
s/t: 8/10 // not bad, "elastic inverted visions" deserves a 10
into the abyss: 7/10 // i love "blinded" and many others, but it suffers from the production, imo
catch 22: 10/10 // i can listen to it anytime, anywhere, huge!
the arrival: 6/10 // of course i like it, but in some way it seems a little bit boring to me, somehow the songs are too "similiar", that's why i've given catch 22 a 10
paINflames said:
Must admit I don't know Penetralia ans OO that well. The sound quality is what annoys me most though, cause I really love the rerecorded versions on 10 Years... especially Penetralia rocks!

Get out of my head and stop saying my opinions as your own.. ;)
and I must add the fact that Masse´s voice bothers me. Not news to anyone who has followed this board for some time, eh.
Penetralia: 8/10 :headbang:
Osculum Obscenum: 9/10 :headbang:
Fourth Dimension: 10/10 :worship:
Abducted: 10/10 o_O
The Final Chapter: 10/10 :hotjump:
Destroys Wacken: 8,5/10
Hypocrisy: 10/10 :worship:
Into The Abyss: 8,5/10
Catch 22: 6,5/10 :erk:
The Arrival: 10/10 :OMG:
Penetralia 6/10
Osculum Obscenum 7/10
The fourth Dimension 10/10
Abducted 9/10
The final Chapter 9/10
Hypocrisy Destroy Wacken 7/10
Hypocrisy 10/10
Into the Abyss 6/10
Catch22 7/10
The Arrival 9/10
Penetralia : 6/10
Osculum Obcenum : 6/10
the fourth dimension : 8/10
Abducted : 10/10
the final chapter: 10/10
Hypocrisy : 10/10
Into the Abyss : 8/10
Catch 22 : 9/10
The arrival : 9/10
:yell: Arrival: 9/10 Near perfect; back to traditional Hypocrisy sound.

Catch 22: 8/10 I think this album is f..kin' great even w/ a different than usual style! Peter proved as usual that he can blend softer melodies into real aggressive music. I also like the whole "in your face" vibe the album gave (it was refreshing.)

Into the Abyss: N/A (I can't really comment because I wasn't too crazy about this 1.)

Hypocrisy: 10/10 My personal favorite of the band & possibly my favorite metal album of all time! I think Peter just did everything right (the self-titled title says it all!)

Destroys Wacken: 9/10 Pretty damn good live album; great song selection. I wish there was more live stuff though.

Final Chapter: 9/10 Near perfect album! I'm glad it wasn't the final chapter!!

Abducted: 8/10 Great album; the start of Peter getting real diverse.

Fourth Dimension: 8/10 This 1 surprisingly took me some time to get into. Really heavy & aggressive.

Osculum Obscenum: 8/10 Killer death metal here! Vocals are the BEST death vocals I've ever heard STILL!!

Penetralia: N/A From what I've listened to, it sounds like average sounding death metal; I never bothered buying it as a result.