how zander starts an AIM conversation... the rest of the conversation is going...

indieradioisdead: why does she hate me?
sushikids dot nu: she hates all americans
sushikids dot nu: it´s a family trade
indieradioisdead: oh i see
indieradioisdead: do you think she could learn to like me?
sushikids dot nu: do you like cleaning?
indieradioisdead: i guess
sushikids dot nu: remodeling?
indieradioisdead: yes
sushikids dot nu: ok... perhaps then...
sushikids dot nu: it would probably take time
indieradioisdead: sweet
indieradioisdead: she hot?
sushikids dot nu: she is old
sushikids dot nu: she was h0tt when she was my age
indieradioisdead: crap... that does me no good
sushikids dot nu: if you want to make friends with her you better clean her and dads house, and help repaint it and stuff
indieradioisdead: i hate painting
sushikids dot nu: and you will know when she likes you... she will call you conrad
indieradioisdead: but my name is jacob
sushikids dot nu: she doesn´t care
sushikids dot nu: she will still call you conrad
indieradioisdead: oh...
sushikids dot nu: conrad is my parents dog
indieradioisdead: sooo, she will think i'm the dog?
sushikids dot nu: the "kid" my parents love the most
indieradioisdead: zander... that's sad
sushikids dot nu: she will say "conrad, birger, joakim, peter, mats danie JACOB can you please make some coffee" and then you are part of the family
indieradioisdead: what do i get for being "in" the family?
sushikids dot nu: you get to clean more and paint more
sushikids dot nu: and if you are lucky... you get sundays off
indieradioisdead: mmmm i don't know about this... sounds like a trap
... still going ...

sushikids dot nu: oh yeah
sushikids dot nu: we will make fun of you too
sushikids dot nu: and if you say you know something and then you don´t
sushikids dot nu: we will rub that in your face until it happens again
indieradioisdead: crap...
indieradioisdead: i'm out
sushikids dot nu: too late
indieradioisdead: your mom can hate me all she wants
sushikids dot nu: mom is callin you
indieradioisdead: right now?