Howd'ya do ya farmers?


Nonchalant Onlooker
May 5, 2001
Ahoy ahoy!

I haven't heard of (nor from) you guys for a while, and since I'm not an avid online-person these days I figured this'd be a good way to exchange how-do-you-do's. :)

I started school two weeks ago. Such bullshit. :( The only new things I've learned so far are a few formulas which I could've looked up in my physics book any day (R=U/I, etc.). Blerch. I'm sure it'll get better, though, once we move out of the basics (e.g. "How to install MS-DOS 6.22 in three days..." got 2,8 days off, though. :p)

Anyways, how, and what, are you guys doing? I've been listening to your brilliant album, and I still think it's amazingly amazing - the same way I've always regarded your music.

Loosely of Amoebas roks teh haus.

Nice to hear from you. well, I don't know about the rest of the guys, but I'm (surprisingly) drinking beer. I started my school a few weeks back again and I'm just balancing between mathematics and physics. well, I guess it will be that way 'till the day I've got to choose... :)

So, what school do you go to? University? AMK? since you got some time off, you can't be in high shool... ;)

See you! :)
You didn't seriously think that I started feeling social without alcohol? :)

Ah, I'm going to Amiedu. (*spits venom*)

Electronics & telecommunications technology. I think I mentioned this to you when we Thales boys were at Toni's, and you told me to steer away from that, heheh. :)

Nah, I'm sure it'll turn out to be OK once we get further, instead of the basics.
Orchid said:
Ahoy ahoy!

I haven't heard of (nor from) you guys for a while, and since I'm not an avid online-person these days I figured this'd be a good way to exchange how-do-you-do's. :)

I started school two weeks ago. Such bullshit. :( The only new things I've learned so far are a few formulas which I could've looked up in my physics book any day (R=U/I, etc.). Blerch. I'm sure it'll get better, though, once we move out of the basics (e.g. "How to install MS-DOS 6.22 in three days..." got 2,8 days off, though. :p)

Anyways, how, and what, are you guys doing? I've been listening to your brilliant album, and I still think it's amazingly amazing - the same way I've always regarded your music.

Loosely of Amoebas roks teh haus.
I think I'm doing exactly the same as you. :D
Orchid said:
You didn't seriously think that I started feeling social without alcohol? :)

Ah, I'm going to Amiedu. (*spits venom*)

Electronics & telecommunications technology. I think I mentioned this to you when we Thales boys were at Toni's, and you told me to steer away from that, heheh. :)

Nah, I'm sure it'll turn out to be OK once we get further, instead of the basics.
:lol: yeah, a minor flashback. but still, good luck! :)
I'm working as a toycoder for the rest of the year, and am getting increasingly frustrated. To everything.

The good thing is during the last month I've been drunk only once. And that I finally bought a computer! Goodbye social life.
Hearse said:
Hmm what about that bloody F & T meeting?
when when when? :D

What he said, only: "madrigal, madrigal, madrigal? :D"

Any suggestions, guys? Might it be possible to arrange something this year? *gasp!*
