How's everybody feeling today?

Originally posted by Li'l Witch

sounds very familiar...I'm constantly thinking, worrying...even about stupid little fa(u)cts.

I feel stupid but it seems I am not...I did an IQ test in school and I had thehighest result they ever had...but it still doesn't pull me out of the dark...ey...

oh and 'unregistered'...0 is the very bottom I think...but then you're like a vegetable or so...McMurphy after the lobotomy...:)
Well, dear, I have already noticed that the most intelligent people worry the most... It is usual. I mean the stupid assholes doesn't give a fiddler's fart anyway about anything as they don't have the mind to think over even the smallest things in mind, right? So cheer up, at least we are happy that you are here, alive and kickin'!! :) Now aren't we, Tee? :D
... don't break your head because of it. I'm depressed all my life long, even had serious trouble because of it a few years ago. it's just the way it is, your soul is deeper than the ones the "plant" people have.... low IQ-happier life.... for a plant... the only big deal about it is that you are "special"... it's just you... be proud of yourself, and learn to live with yourself, step by step... hard game, but you're winning... no need to say more.;)

Originally posted by Tee
... don't break your head because of it. I'm depressed all my life long, even had serious trouble because of it a few years ago. it's just the way it is, your soul is deeper than the ones the "plant" people have.... low IQ-happier life.... for a plant... the only big deal about it is that you are "special"... it's just you... be proud of yourself, and learn to live with yourself, step by step... hard game, but you're winning... no need to say more.;)

Agreed, agreed!! What does the Bible says for instance??

"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."... I think you understand it now.... :D (Surely without any intention of starting an argument about it!!)

So think about it, Li'l Witch and talk to us if you ever have a problem or a thought to share, ok? :)
I really appreciate it but I'm Iced Dragon (notice the ID :) )

Li'l witch's my love...we have a kind of log-in problem...

I'd love to share my thoughts/problems with you guys but I can't even relief my mind by talking about it to Wendy (Li'l Witch)...I'm very introvert...too much for my own good but that's the way I am..

gratefully yours

Originally posted by Li'l Witch
I really appreciate it but I'm Iced Dragon (notice the ID :) )

Li'l witch's my love...we have a kind of log-in problem...

I'd love to share my thoughts/problems with you guys but I can't even relief my mind by talking about it to Wendy (Li'l Witch)...I'm very introvert...too much for my own good but that's the way I am..

gratefully yours


to whomever under whatever name... I didn't ask you to share thoughts. no need for that, I know, I'm introverted too. I just kinda gave an advice, in general... learn to live with yourself... "...only this and nothing more...." ;) [I'm still learning...]

Originally posted by Tee

to whomever under whatever name... I didn't ask you to share thoughts. no need for that, I know, I'm introverted too. I just kinda gave an advice, in general... learn to live with yourself... "...only this and nothing more...." ;) [I'm still learning...]

Yup, Tee, you didn't but I did.... :D

Sorry ID, we didn't notice the signature.... :)
Originally posted by Neverlady

Yup, Tee, you didn't but I did.... :D

Sorry ID, we didn't notice the signature.... :)

Hey, Neverlady, my friend, hear you in 9-10- days... you know.... and all... ;) :)

hang in there... and everywhere....:D :loco: