Hows my Death Growl?

Hard to say when it's out of the context of the music. Can you keep doing it for long periods, and can you do a long growl?
Ha! sounds just like the wife when she comes home pissed and
demanding sex!!!also(and trust me on this one) smoke 40 cigarettes a day for 20 years and you will sound like that permanently:grin:
lol I am very sensitive emotionally, I may have an aggressive side but there's no need to act all grim, I'm a deep thinking emotional dude and many here think I'm a darker guy than I am. Of course metal people should have no feelings cos feelings are gay, but not all metal is emotionless either, not even gore metal, of course thrash is an exception...
Fair play to you mate,many of us choose to hide our sensitivity and emotions behind a fascade of something else,aggression usually!!daft really but i suppose thats how we have been brought up and programmed from an early age,maybe we should change the name of this lot to the"Children Of Bodom Love Crew"!!what d'ya think?:rock:
Do i think Alexi is metal enough?well,sit back and i'll tell you a story....
I come from a time long ago when we all wore denim & leather,had shaggy perms,bullet belts,all trying to look like lips from Anvil,and were known to the general public as smellies!!oh and a keyboard in metal band was unheard of!
Well, we headbanged our way through the early eighties,pouring scorn on anyone who wasnt "METAL"until 1984 when my perception of metal was changed forever.
I was listening to the friday rockshow on BBC radio this fatefull night and a song called "Warhead" by a band called Venom was played.....I was stunned,
this is what i'd been waiting for(although i didnt know it!)THIS was knuckle bruising music,THIS was hardcore THIS was raw..Black Metal,where it all started, was born.To this day Venom are still one of my faves.
fast forward a couple of years,i'm married, 2 kids and have lost touch with whats happening music wise,and i stumbled on a band called Cradle of Filth.
WE WERE RIGHT,METAL BANDS DONT HAVE KEYBOARDS!!This horrified me,it sounded like two skeletons having a wank in a tin can!!and a church organist on steriods!WTF???,how had my cherished "Black metal"turned into this?NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!.
fast forward again to 1999,my second apiphany,same scenario-friday rock show,halloween special,midway through the night they played Slipknots debut single wait and bleed...a long lost feeling stirred ,now this was more like it!!,this was where metal should have gone,this floated my boat,METAL!
Present day(ish) I'm off to see slipknot in Manchester and my son informs me that one of the supporting acts is a band called he borrowed an album aff one of his mates and lent it me with the assurance"you'll like this".
The album was Are you Dead yet?.
I took it home..put the disc in..pressed play.....KEYBOARD!! NOOOOOOO!!!
The gut reaction was to be short lived,all of a sudden i was bombarded with a wall of sound,Punchy,FUCKIN HEAVY METAL,for me all the very best triats of my golden years and the new generation rolled into one... awesome!!!
So do i think Alexi is metal enough? His tunes make me want to headbang....he's metal enough:notworthy
Do i think Alexi is metal enough?well,sit back and i'll tell you a story....

The reason I asked you this is it's an old joke, I removed it cos I thought people might not get it. Some years ago Alexi stumbled on this forum once with Janne and he was pissed off because people were "hugging each other and trying to decide if Alexi's metal enough or not". Not sure if I was one of those fans, but he dedicated the song Lobodomy for these people who bark under the dress.

Man, keyboards on metal can be awesome when used wisely. In COB they actually play a very big role musically. I like the atmospheric and weird noises, not the cheesy ones.
The reason I asked you this is it's an old joke, I removed it cos I thought people might not get it. Some years ago Alexi stumbled on this forum once with Janne and he was pissed off because people were "hugging each other and trying to decide if Alexi's metal enough or not". Not sure if I was one of those fans, but he dedicated the song Lobodomy for these people who bark under the dress.

Man, keyboards on metal can be awesome when used wisely. In COB they actually play a very big role musically. I like the atmospheric and weird noises, not the cheesy ones.

lol wat? He gets pissed because people discuss such shit. Seems like it's important to him that people think that he's teh methul
Not quite sure,but am i being told in some subliminal way that im too old for this forum? i havnt cared for a long,long time what people think of me,i AM to old for that!!lol.
No,i didnt get the joke(to old?)and didnt think a simple YES to the question would suffice,anyway at least you all know now where im coming from!!:kickass:
I was listening to the friday rockshow on BBC radio this fatefull night and a song called "Warhead" by a band called Venom was played.....I was stunned,
this is what i'd been waiting for(although i didnt know it!)THIS was knuckle bruising music,THIS was hardcore THIS was raw..Black Metal,where it all started, was born.To this day Venom are still one of my faves.

I can hear one convincing riff but well, I guess I listen to a different frequency in music so this just doesn't do me. I suppose it reguires a certain situation to sink in, but this is somehow a weird clash of atmosphere and non-atmosphere.

To be honest I think anybody who listens to this kind of music must be somehow fucked up! Don't take it offensively, it's just the tradition Joonas says things straight here. :lol:
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Joonas you are correct,i am fucked up n have been for many a year!!(but in a good way!!) i think you analize your music to much,just feel and enjoy,dont disect as much.
Im not asking anyone to like Venom,but just remember,if it wasnt for bands like them and their ilk paving the way, there would be no gore/thrash/death metal etc and this forum would more than likely not exist...nice1 for putting in the vid,whats brought us to the here and now began with this,this is the history of your
genre of music.
You care way too much about what people on the internet think of you


Also, @ OP, sitting around grunting =/= dm vocals. Atleast good ones. You need power and volume, neither of these are present. I can get this same sound pressing a microphone to my stomach when it growls.