How's that possibile? Shitty metal studios in Italy.

Hey dude! I totally disagree with you!!
I think there are some very good metal studios here in Italy!
(I'm not talking of my home-studio & my works obviously! :p )

If you want me to send you some contacts feel free to send me a private message (anche in italiano va bene :p ) and I'll get back to you asap!

Anyway... you shouldn't choose the studio because the owner is a well-known musician or because the place looks cool, but you should listen to the works he has done...
even with a couple of good mics and a good pre you can get good results... it's up to the producer/engineer to take the best both from the band and from the gear he owns...

I've heard so many people here recording REALLY GOOD stuff, and I don't believe that everyone here owns a studio like Tommy Lee's one....
(holy shit!! sorry for the OT but I'm still dreaming of it every night :lol: )
i agree with should record DI and that stuff at home and record vocals and (triggered) drums in the studio
and give them to someone on this forum.


Rhapsody is a power metal band and the studio of the link is the drummer's studio so....I think he knows what is metal...

Sure? Have you already listen Rhapsody music:lol:

Unfortunatelly yes

heeyy...i like rhapsody since many years ago :muahaha:

actually i think that the rhapsody and Luca turilli cds mixing sounds very very good (for a power metal cd...)

Thank you guys, I'm really happy :waah:

Thank you again for all your hint, it will take a bit to reply to all of you.

you shouldn't choose the studio because the owner is a well-known musician or because the place looks cool, but you should listen to the works he has done..

You are perfectly right, I agree with you. I didn't choose that studio for the name, but for the fact that he was indeed specialized in metal. Whatever that means.

I didn't mean to say that ALL italian studios are shitty: they are simply hard to find. But finally, I think I asked in the right place. :) We should have a chat soon (PM).

i agree with should record DI and that stuff at home and record vocals and (triggered) drums in the studio
and give them to someone on this forum.

This sound like a great idea. I know a little about home studio recording (I have a macbook pro with a firewire 1814) but it's a little hard to persuade all the members of my band to come and record to my house (don't know why).

Maybe the mixed solution (record in studios with DI and trigger - remix in another metal country) would be the best.

How does the mixing thing works on this forum? I know there are very talented people, but I hope they get paid for their works: maybe I should contact them privately for their fees.

Why not have a studio trip to Scandinavia?

It will be a dream. I love northern metal. Again, I didn't mean to exclude other (GREAT) "european" countries from the list, but I think it will become a little pricy. Can you suggest a good budget metal solution? Maybe I should think of a low-cost fly to Helsinki...

Thank you again, I don't know what to say. :)
Giuseppe Orlando from the band Novembre works (possibly owns?) a studio in Rome (Outer Sound).
I thought he did an excellent job with The Foreshadowing. He recorded their drums and mixed the CD. He's also done a lot of recording with his band. Wouldn't hurt to contact him for his rates:

Also, The March of Seasons got a pretty nice sound on their CD. They are based in Padova. Maybe ask them where they recorded?

Goodluck! :kickass:

EDIT: Just checked the Elnor samples. I thought they sounded pretty good. *shrugs*

+1 on this one, if it's brutal stuff.


Giuseppe Orlando from the band Novembre works (possibly owns?) a studio in Rome (Outer Sound).
I thought he did an excellent job with The Foreshadowing. He recorded their drums and mixed the CD. He's also done a lot of recording with his band. Wouldn't hurt to contact him for his rates:

yes, he's the owner.