How's The tour Going ?

I have! Just got back from seeing the guys at Hull and Bradford! They were excellent both nights. The turnout was pretty poor at Hull though due to the football...Bradford was much better! I took loads of photos....which I think Eagle is going to post onto! Wished I could have gone to the rest but work and family stuff got in the way as ever! It was great to meet all the PQ guys, Sean from Intense plus Dream Thief finally at Bradford!
The Bradford gig was cool .... pity about the turnout though. Humanity are certainly a band to watch out for ...... their average age is only 20 !!

Yeah, the Bradford gig was fantastic. I stayed for quite some time afterwards aswell so it was a late one but well worth it.

Humanity were indeed impressive and certainly a band to watch. Intense and PQ put on awesome shows too.

Great to meet up with the guys and also to finally meet Eagle and Dragonmaiden.

Good night? Hell yeah!!!! :kickass:

Had a really great night - both INTENSE and PQ have really improved since the tour last year - I was suprised (in a good way). Impressive stuff guys, and keep up the good work.

Also, seeing two bands who share so much gear and work togther so well was great to see - a really relaxed atmosphere created by two very, very good bands.

A respectable crowd as well, and a shame the INTENSE sound took a couple of songs to settle down, but apart from that it was bloody awesome !