How's this for a guitar setup

regarding My guitar, the RX10D: i love it, except the fact that it doesnt come with REAL DUNCAN pickups, duncan designed isn't even made in the duncan factory. Thus the EMG's. one other thing that bugs me about it is it's trem system; every once in a whild i will accedentally hit it back wards, pulling the strings tighter instead of diving them down, but when this happens it stays that way. not in the extremes but enough to really notice that my pitches got a lot sharper all of a sudden. it bugs me, but it is a minor inconvienience. ultimatley i would like to get a custom USA Made rhoads, 24 fret, gold hardware, EMG 81 and 85 pick ups, and the snow white with black pinstripes finish. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I can see it now.