The number 666 makes most people who are deeply religious freak out. It's just a number like 69 or 4:20. My Ozzy hockey jerzey has a caricature of Ozzy holding a cross on the front and Ozzy and the #666 on the back. This number is taken far too seriously by some people in my opinion. It has also been linked to horror movies and monsters (for example Rob Zombie's illustrations for one, and he is a huge horror movie/monster fan.)
this is the most rediculoud thing i have ever seen. who ever made this has too much timeon their hands. i say, who cares? its just a number as Zanex said. And who cares what other people believe, its none of their god damned business wha tthey believe, but the thing is most of them don't believe in satan, they just put it their for show.
And the thing is that they seem to blame all use o fthat symbol and any belief in satan that there is on rock/metal music.
and why did they have to mentio nther ethat Halford was gay? how necessary was that?
Yeah, its just a number. My Black Sab (ozz era) shirt has the Anti-Christ(who is just a guy with an "A" on his forehead) and the big 666 beside him. wear it to family gatherings just for shits and giggles.
In regard to a kid it mean't asshole to the meaning :) standard joke with the jock jackets. Meantioning halford, was to say metal can't ever be leftfield, hahaha...
What does the number 13 mean..hey??? anyone know, a band that is cryptic is SAMAEL, check em out if u have a chance.
Does what i write make sense to you.
I've got the Flotsam and Jetsam song Six, 6, XI from "When The Storm Comes Down". I remember an attempt to get them banned in a certain town because of this song. I think they played anyway. Hey ledmag, I wear my Ozzy 666 shirt at family gatherings or when I go to a resteraunt. I get a lot of looks and its definitely a conversation piece,
Originally posted by truelight
In regard to a kid it mean't asshole to the meaning :) standard joke with the jock jackets. Meantioning halford, was to say metal can't ever be leftfield, hahaha...
What does the number 13 mean..hey??? anyone know, a band that is cryptic is SAMAEL, check em out if u have a chance.
Does what i write make sense to you.

I know what the number 13 ment to the Hells Angels and other biker gangs(i know you know BIKE GANGS, I have not forgotten, the Johnny Cash bike club). ANyway,,if a cycle guy had teh number 13 on his jacket, it ment he smoked POT.

yep we live and die by some of them. Ask Kennedy LOL, I know you know that shit too(****David I.****)

So true light, what do you think about Siberia in 1908?
So, the number 666 probably used to mean something, but it's become so common place, it kind of took the edge off it. Maybe we should make up a new secret number!