pod story: http://www.av1611.org/crock/pod_dark.html

Don't get all snotty on me. Alot of people say it's a fact that gOD created man. Slap those people in the face. Why would gOD freaks attack the idea of evolution unless they feared it was true?

Here you go!
A few million years there was a breed of Bird on the west coast of Africa with short beaks(fossils found). Some small islands formed a few miles off the coast. Seeds blew in and trees grew. Then flying insects like termits flew in and lived in the tree. Eventualland many of the birds migrated there. The only food source on the island was the insects but the birds certainly must have had a hard time at first with such short becks! Today if you look at the west coast of africa birds almost exactly like the fossils found still exist. On the islands off shore there is a breed of birds JUST LIKE THOSE ON THE MAINLAND BUT WITH LONG BEAKS PERFECT FOR EATING, SAY, TERMITS? Several fossils found on the island show the older the fossil was the shorter the beak and as time progressed, a longer beak.

I'm not a Christian, But I have read and studied some of the bible (Old and New Testament). I will use two verses from the bible to condemn the asshole writing the article on P.O.D. First, "JUDGE NOT LEST YE BE JUDGED" AND "LET HE WHO IS WITHOUT SIN CAST THE FIRST STONE", the latter refering to a woman who commited adultery and was to be stoned until Jesus said that any person who had commited no sin could throw stone at her. Nobody was without sin and nobody could throw a stone. I'm sick of people demanding that there religion (whatever it may be) is the right one, and how they condemn how other people live and tell them how they should live. From what I understand, nobody is to judge anyone else regardless what they do unless they are able to be judged also. I call these people hippocrites or "hippochristians" (this doesn't mean all christians are hippocrites). I wonder what this person would think about Deicide, King Diamond, Morbid Angel, and other "satanic" bands, instead of the "shock" value of Marilyn Manson. Also, P.OD. are human and entitled to listen to whatever music they choose. This is there "God" given First Ammendment Right (along with Freedom Of Relegion).
But I saw you're from usa, and I heard that it is forbidden to teach about evolution over there at university and so... Or did I get that wrong?

yeh you got that wrong. they're not alowed to teach creation over here. like adam and eve and all that shit. some people teach evolution.
Evolution is required to be taught in all biology courses in public schools, from what I understand, and Creationism is only allowed in private Christian schools. I was definitely taught evolution, and I understand what it's all about, and I've heard of plenty of evidence supporting it...but it is not a "proven fact".
Originally posted by jimbobhickville
"proven facts like evolution" ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...must stop laughing, but I can't...ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Last time I checked Evolution was just a theory and one with many holes at that.

Oh, and what is POD?

You're pretty quick to laugh. Evolution is more sound than the Bible. Genesis and Revelations are the most contrived works of mythical fiction ever written and are the greatest sources of the Christian's religions fear strength. Imagine that the cultures of our world played an elaborate game of "telephone" for 2,000 years, writing down (and translating into many different languages) what the person before him or her whispered in his/her ear, stamping out all other possbilities and thoughts and ideas until their voice was the only one heard. The end result would be much different than the beginning. I say you're quick to laugh because even though Evolution is only a theory, there are scientific facts to prove that there is atomic forms of life through out the galaxy. Maybe not intelligent, but, primordial life. Christ isn't the "god" or "lord" of anything or anyone outside of our world, and the Bible never addresses "Point A"...the so-called, "Big-Bang"...or whatever it truly was. We may never know what started our Milky Way galaxy or any of the thousand galaxies outside of our own, but the question must inevitably be asked!

The point is that the Universe evolved and continues to evolve. Isn't it reasonable that we, as a race, do the same, in a wholly separate direction from what us puny, mortal humans have written down on a piece of paper that many read and subscribe to? You want to talk about holes, let's be critical of the greatest fiction book ever written and not do what Christian religions have done for thousands of years: persecute (ie. murder in the name of Christ, making it "OK") those with ideas outside the boundaries of their organized, profitable church.

"don't place faith in human things,
human things are unreliable things,
don't place faith in human things,
human things are butterfly wings..."
-"butterfly wings", machines of loving grace
When did I ever say I believed in Creationism? I just found it funny to call something that is unproven a "proven fact". I'd say the same thing to someone saying, "the proven fact that God created the world". There is a lot of evidence of species evolving to adapt to their climates, but there is little to no evidence of evolution between species. There are lots of holes, thus I find it funny to call it a "proven fact". What is so hard to understand about that?
What does it matter? Pod are crap, and so is Marilyn Hanson, what does it matter if some dude tries to ban them or whatever??

I would be happy to see all those bands mentioned in his article HUNG.... TWICE!!
Originally posted by jimbobhickville
When did I ever say I believed in Creationism? I just found it funny to call something that is unproven a "proven fact". I'd say the same thing to someone saying, "the proven fact that God created the world". There is a lot of evidence of species evolving to adapt to their climates, but there is little to no evidence of evolution between species. There are lots of holes, thus I find it funny to call it a "proven fact". What is so hard to understand about that?

I had written a response a half hour ago saying, sorry, I missed an earlier thread where you bascially threw in the towel on this sticky debate. Unfortunately, I accidentally deleted that one.

I don't think you did and I never said you did believe in Creationism. I guess the question is then, "what do you believe in," considering you laughed so hard at someone defending evolutionism. Yes, evolutionism is not a thoroughly "proven fact", but more tenants of evolutionism have been scientifically proven than ANY amount of Creationism. It is a circular debate, though: if you're a creationist, you're reasoning isn't based on science, its based on faith; if you're an evolutionist, you're reasoning is based on tangible, scientific discoveries throughout the evolutionary chain. Religion can never be proven fact because if a religious belief is ever proven, it becomes science. Over time, science will evolve enough--either through colossal finds on our planet or through similar discoveries on other planets--to fill in the gaps in the evolutionary chain of a single species. As for evolution between species, well, I guess I'm not sure what you mean. The human race is a species. The human race can be traced back thousands upon thousands of years. There are findings to prove that. We may not be able to prove how we evolved from single-celled organisms yet, but I have every confidence that we will in time.

I find your laughter intriguing because it infers that there are proven facts with the alternative belief, Creationism, which is not based on fact but faith. It is also "unproven". Maybe, the debate over the origin of mankind isn't a laughing matter. :confused:

Unless you "Believe In Nothing" (cue: DHIADW).

Take care,

Well, I gotta say POD sure does suck a fat one, but some of Manson's stuff is pretty alright. "Mechanical Animals" had some pretty intelligent, sarcastic stuff on it (which wasn't blatantly satanic-stupid). His act is tired and his stage show isn't as impressive as he (or the Bible-thumpers) thinks it is.

I've heard that dumb "metal-is-Satan" rant for too long. Maybe if Christianity wasn't a religion based on spreading fear, then it wouldn't spawn energies to oppose it.

Originally posted by true believer
During the HUMAN embroyic stages....


I can't say that I understand what you mean, sorry. Did i say anything wrong?

Apart of that, I must say that i pretty much agree with Deconstructor, only he says it a lot better than i did (I'm not a native english speaker you see...)
no, i'm not that little witch you're talking about, don't even know who that is

I'm just Li'l Witch, but i don't know what's wrong with this board that it always converts it to Li\'l Witch... =(
thank you [KOTNO]Narrot !

I'm actually following this board for a very long time already, I've never posted on this one, I guess I'm more of a silent watcher...
You may know my bf Iced Dragon better

Though, I have posted on the previous board, but also not very much.
Maybe things will change from now on...

Greetings, Lil Witch
Originally posted by Snipous
Can anyone tell me what P.O.D stands for?

It stands for Payable On Death.

"P.O.D. and the Works of Darkness" Hahaha!!!! It's funny that this band would be considered evil, especially considering a lot of the metal bands out there. Whatever...
People need to stop judging others and let them live their own lives. This kinda thing pisses me off.