It must be nice, as a band, to have such dedicated fans. If people want to get together to do this thing, I think thats cool.

Honestly though, the 6/6/06 thing is kind of lame. The number 666 reached ultra-cliched status before Slayer even picked up their instruments.

I think the actual event is the topic of discussion. There isnt going to be complete agreement among everyone that the band took a permanent shit when (insert album here) came out. Stop being a canewaver! :)
The bonehead fans annoy me the most, it's incredible how many stoopid idiots listen to slayer and go to their shows.

Reign In Blood made me grab my balls and run around headbanging for weeks when I first heard it though :D
You're all off topic. Please only make posts that are relevant.

EDIT: Wait, that neonblak guy is relevant. Make him your Jesus.
metalskater7 said:
You're all off topic. Please only make posts that are relevant.

EDIT: Wait, that neonblak guy is relevant. Make him your Jesus.

Like all your weener (sic) posts in the Tool thread, huh?
DarkNoise said:
6-6-06 ?.... your time would be better spent on that day purchasing the new Behemoth dammit! Get it fucking right!
YES. This is the only man on the board with a brain.
i really dont see a problem with Slayer fans rejoicing so vehemently..i say let the babies have their bottle and stop least its not National Slipknot Day o_O