hub lists

AM I correct in assuming the other two UM Hubs are now down? Never really used em much anyway. You'll need DC++ 0.666 or greater to get on for starters Santtu, tis a fairly recent release. Do you have that?

And yes, copy this "" into the "Configured Public Hubs List" in the Public Hubs TAB, if it's not already there, and you can get to whatever hubs are on teh list easier.

Hope that helps a lil. If not, talk to Rus. He is your DC++ GOD.
Poopsicles. :(

Go pray to your golden god then (Rusty) He had his own hub for a while you know? ;)

Anyway, before I pop off to bed (which would be NOW in fact), are you having can you get into any other hubs at all, or does DC++ Shut down as soon as you boot it?

If it's shutting down, then it was either installed incorrectly, or it's having a conflict with something else on your poota. I might suggest you look into doing an uninstall/reboot/re-install. Thing, if you c(ould)ba. :)

'Night PPNK. :wave:
Spike said:
AM I correct in assuming the other two UM Hubs are now down?
Not anymore at least.
For others interested, register at (which is down for now, for some reason). The board nickname is your nickname for the hub. Find a DC++ FAQ from somewhere.

In case you want to stop dealing with that crashing DC++, . Quite a lot like DC++, just better.