Huge CD sale

FYI, I ran out of envelopes after the first two orders, and I've got some family stuff to attend to this weekend, but I should be prepared to send most of these on Monday. Thanks for your patience.

edit: Make that the first three orders. That includes Jerry, Will, and now Matthew.
You know what rules? To see a killer sale-list like this and think WOW what a fucken deal, too bad I have it already! about 50 times.

I've got way to little time to actively listen to my new stuff since I grew up and all of that - 8 hours of work generally means too tired to jump onto new things with the attention it deserves, so I tend to wait until I REALLY feel like listening to something. On the other hand, I think this has bumped up the shit/killer ratio quite a bit on my buys, but on the third hand it's gotten me to stick with safe bets instead of getting 25 demos of which 24 will suck... Which is an excellent deal as long as the 25th is killer.

edit: //fotmbm

Fleshcrawl – Descend into the Absurd
Necromantia – Crossing the Fiery Path (digi)
Katatonia – Brave Murder Day & For Funerals to Come
Katatonia – Dance of December Souls
Dolorian – Dolorian

EDIT: took out Mayhemic Truth.. fuck you RiA

Did you get my e-mail?

Probably a stupid question, but I wanted to make sure I had the right ZIP code for your address after having a bit of confusion with another guy in your city.

Also, J. and GreatDeceiver, I'll drop your stuff off at the 24-hr. APC tonight...yours too if I can get the ZIP code confirmed, swizzlenuts. Thanks again to everyone who took interest.
Yeah, I just replied to you, I needed a shipping address change anyways, I forgot to switch it on paypal. Thanks man!
I've been away from all internet access for nearly a week. Talk about strange...

Anyway, are these still available?

Old Wainds – Religion of Spiritual Violence
Shining – I: Within Deep Dark Chambers (digi)
Watain – Rabid Death’s Curse
Wigrid – Hoffnungstod
Had my second deadbeat eBayer in just this month...his stuff is now for sale -- see the Antaeus and Varathron CDs in the OP.