HUGE THANKS to Sounds of Purgatory on the sale!!


Sep 30, 2005
WOW!!! Got my stuff in today!!! Jeremy went above and beyond with this. A large box was there and had my order and some nice extra's!!! Can't thank you enough was like Christmas in August. You made this little boy a happy one!!! I owe you one next time you are in Chicago!!!
WOW!!! Got my stuff in today!!! Jeremy went above and beyond with this. A large box was there and had my order and some nice extra's!!! Can't thank you enough was like Christmas in August. You made this little boy a happy one!!! I owe you one next time you are in Chicago!!!


All I got was a "fuck you for taking part in my sale you non-loyal vulture"!
I think the festival should keep a 30 minute slot open each night for forum members to challenge one another to single combat with a variety of melee weapons.

I think the festival should keep a 30 minute slot open each night for forum members to challenge one another to single combat with a variety of melee weapons.

how great would that be. At Comic Con a few years back they had this "battle zone" thing where the had huge nerf / hard sponge weapons and you paid like 5 bucks to fight friends. Could be a good money maker actually for the fest...cost in nothing asides making weapons.
how great would that be. At Comic Con a few years back they had this "battle zone" thing where the had huge nerf / hard sponge weapons and you paid like 5 bucks to fight friends. Could be a good money maker actually for the fest...cost in nothing asides making weapons.

Yeah, but unless people can use a keyboard as a weapon and their computer screen as a shield, no one would participate.
Yeah, but unless people can use a keyboard as a weapon and their computer screen as a shield, no one would participate.

no one wanted to fight me at the con. I even offered to pay for someone to fight with me but they knew I would fight dirty and didn't want to get laughed at. Sad that someone was actually scared to fight me with fake weapons!