Huh??? Former????? Sean???


Mar 18, 2003
Catonsville, MD USA
From a review on Sea of Tranquility ---
'Cynthesis sees Zero Hour members reuniting with the original vocalist, Erik Rosvold, and enlisting former Enchant drummer, Sean Flanegan.'

I've heard a lot of good things about the Cythesis disc and will be giving it a spin soon, but I hope the reviewer is sadly mistaken about Sean!
Could just be the writer's perception since Enchant has been dormant for so long... I would be sad to see Sean go (if it was true).

If I could speculate on a replacement (again, I hope it's NOT true):
Paul Craddick would be my #1 choice as Enchant's drummer, but he is currently very busy recording with Rocket Moth so his return would be unlikely.
Mark Zonder would be great! His style would be a great fit for Enchant's music.
Mike Portnoy is an independent right now... Hey, a guy can dream, right!?:heh:

Maybe we'll get an update soon...?
Hey there!

I saw that in the review also and had a laugh about it. I actually told Doug about it and we both thought it was kinda funny. I am still certainly a member of Enchant.

To those who are interested, sorry it has been so quiet on the Enchant front, but everyone is wrapped up in the personal side of life right now... jobs, family, etc. The band always has intentions of trying to get the machine rolling again, but nothing is set in stone in the immediate future.

Thanks for all the interest in us getting back to work!! I hope it happens sooner than later.

Hey there!

I saw that in the review also and had a laugh about it. I actually told Doug about it and we both thought it was kinda funny. I am still certainly a member of Enchant.

To those who are interested, sorry it has been so quiet on the Enchant front, but everyone is wrapped up in the personal side of life right now... jobs, family, etc. The band always has intentions of trying to get the machine rolling again, but nothing is set in stone in the immediate future.

Thanks for all the interest in us getting back to work!! I hope it happens sooner than later.


This is great news! Thanks for the post Sean. Perhaps a live show in the near future will be planned, you know just to assess if the band still has the magic, see who still has it and who may need some serious counseling... ;) anyhow, in the meantime I'll be waiting for another good reason to return back to San Francisco.... :rock:
Sean, thanks indeed. Any info from the band is really appreciated! Keep on rocking - you have still quite some fans out there!!
Man, thanks a zillion!!!!

I can't express just how relieved I am :Spin:
(I fully understand the problem of having to spend far too much time on work... :guh:)

Some news every few weeks would be great, I think most people who used to be following this thread once have left for good by now.

But hey, no complaint from me, it's great to see you're still around. I'll keep checking back here as I used to over the last years and will include you into my prayers :grin:
Hey there!

I saw that in the review also and had a laugh about it. I actually told Doug about it and we both thought it was kinda funny. I am still certainly a member of Enchant.

To those who are interested, sorry it has been so quiet on the Enchant front, but everyone is wrapped up in the personal side of life right now... jobs, family, etc. The band always has intentions of trying to get the machine rolling again, but nothing is set in stone in the immediate future.

Thanks for all the interest in us getting back to work!! I hope it happens sooner than later.


YAY!!!!!!! Thanks, Sean! :)