HUMAN - New Zealand Death Metal / Grindcore

These guys are good. I have an album of theirs called The Sound Of Yellow. Also have a track with a nice Rowan Atkinson sample on a little compilation from many many years ago...

If they had formed in any country other than New Zealand, they would have had a recording contract in the mid-90s.
uht oh, some band in nj, usa has the name human, they are kids like 18 or so...definatly not since '92
I think that there's also a band in Australia called Human too. We've been the longest running band with the name so effectively I think only we are legally allowed to release stuff under the name. We made the smart move of dating written material from 1992 with the name so... thanks for letting us know though. Take care Sceptic
Dude, I heard you guys ages ago on an interview on C93 back when that station used to be decent, I heard your music and it was pretty fuckin good (I was maybe 13 at the time) but yeah now I'm in a melodic death/grindcore band of my own looking to play some gigs soon. We're getting pretty serious about things so maybe we'll open for you one day! Btw, my band is called Signs of Life and we have got 5 members.