Hurricane Irene


Nov 22, 2007
Poconos, PA
So, it seems a bunch of us are getting hit hard by this bitch. It's gonna be here in PA about 8am Sunday morning.....Looks like where I'm at, we lie right in the "high/extreme" area. Any east-coasters that are involved in this, good luck and I hope this isnt too insane.
I'm a 10-15 min car ride from the coast on the bay but I've made it through them all in the last 29 years unscathed. I hope this one is passes without too much havoc. I expect to be out of power for at least a week. I've got plenty of ice/beer and all the meat in the freezer will need to get grilled at some point to avoid spoiling. I will make a party out of our misery if the river doesn't rise too much and wash away my grill! Good luck to everyone else on the coast, hope no one get's it too bad.
I'm wondering if I should stock up on some supplies myself. It's probably not a bad idea.....I just don't know how badly we're going to get hit here being in Northeastern Pennsylvania.
Yeah, with Isabelle in '03 we drove all the way to Charlottesville which is about 3 hours from here in the mountains to try and get ice because it was sold out here and FEMA couldn't hold on to any. We had tidal surge that overflowed into the reservoir and contaminated our drinking supply so I have a couple 5 gallon bottles of water in the garage in case that happens. I've never freaked out over hurricanes like most people do but I definitely learned to have the crucial things, water being the most paramount.
I'm about a mile inland from the coast here in MA, I've got my whole yard packed up tight, the wife went out today to buy another lantern and stock up on D batteries and milk. We have a lot of trees around the house that concern me a bit, but there's not much I can do.

I remember when Gloria hit in '86 we had no power for over a week. My father was managing a Newport Creamery at the time (combo restaurant/ice cream store) and we went in to get everything out of the freezer before it melted. I was 10, he gave me a spoon and said "have fun". One of the best days I've ever had :D
Shit was weak here. Slept right through the time the bitch was coming through our area. Last night was crazier than this morning. Worst that happened was flooded basement.

Everyone else alright?
Lost power for about 12 hours, looks like the compressor on my fridge died due to the power fluctuations. So I woke up this morning to a lake in my kitchen. Other than that, nothing major, lots of branches down in the yard but no damage.
Good to hear, guys. And it's very unfortunate for the few people who died at the start of the storm. =( I've also seen stronger storms come through my area.
Yeah, there was a kid that was killed in an apartment Saturday morning in downtown Newport News where I live due to a tree falling on it. Terrible. I just now got power back. No damage to my house which is good, just the frustration of the 19th century.
Yeah, there was a kid that was killed in an apartment Saturday morning in downtown Newport News where I live due to a tree falling on it. Terrible. I just now got power back. No damage to my house which is good, just the frustration of the 19th century.

Glad you're ok buddy! I lot of people around me were without power for a few days. Seems like my little area wasn't really hit too hard and the worst that happened was a bit of water in the basement.