Hurricane Isabel...

dreaming neon darkspot

natures' retard
May 13, 2002
in times of grace
Okay, Hurrican Isabel is supposed to be touching land in a few hours or whatever they keep saying, supposed to hit from Cape Haterus (sp?) NC all the way up to New Jersey, catagory 2, strong winds and a lot pf potential flooding, at least around here. Just want to make sure that all of my fellow East-coasters are okay. Get out your sandbags, everyone. It's like the Y2K scare all over again, except I guess this thing has a little more ground for fright, it is a fucking hurricane afterall... people running to the groccery and buying lifetime supplies of toilet paper and bread and whatnot. Well, hope everyone makes it through this in one piece. You all are in my thoughts. Nevermore help us through this.

Black Winter Day said:
i hope not
*LOL* BWD knows well... Sadly, kiyardo doesn't realize who I am... I'M SATAN, THAT'S WHO! But anyway... well, seeing as how some people might claim that it's God who's sending us this hurricane, I don't think so. I'm just worried about the power going out... no computer, no stereo, no lights, no running water, no seeing the premire of the "Enemies of Reality" video on Headbanger's Ball this weekend, etc. I don't know if I'm really scared about this thing or what... it's rain and I love rain and I love getting out of school, but the whole destruction of property and people loosing thier homes thing is kind of a downer, y'know?
well i've never had to deal with hurricane weather before but i don't think it's going to be that bad around here. hope we get tornados like they say we might! woo! fun!

*falls over*
well around here the power went out for a while. it came back on around noon yesterday but the internet is still down so we're at the library now. some trees blew over. there was some flooding but not in this particular area. it was pretty windy but no cats got blown away. it was pleasant haha