Hurricane Jeanne.......

I guess the metal gods were with everyone for a safe and excellent PPV but us here in Florida are ready for another hurricane pounding. Just a word to tell the other Florida and South East US area folks to be safe and hope you all make it well after the storm and we all meet up again for PPVI. :rock:
Yeah, my parents are in your neck of the woods (Ormond By the Sea), and they've been trying to move back to Atlanta; however, they can't close on their house in Florida (which they sold in August), because they can't get the roof fixed...every time the roofers are scheduled to come out, there's another damn storm on the way!

I know from their experience that you guys are having to deal with more than your fair share of nasty weather, storm damage, loss of electricity, etc. I can only hope this is the LAST one you guys have to go through!!!
Hope all you folks south of us down in Atlantis-- Err, sorry, Florida -- get through yet another storm okay. This year they won't be so much hanging chads, as waterlogged ones. :erk: (In a hurricane season where you have zombie tropical storms rising from the dead, all we can do is expect the unexpected....)

(Those of you who know your Tolkien can substitute "Numemor" for Atlantis up there. :dopey: )
Actually, the Florida ballots are even simpler this time around. In my county there are large arrows pointing to each candidate with the 'shaft' of the arrow missing. All you have to do is to draw a straight line to connect the tail and head. If people cannot figure this out then they should be sterilized on the spot.

Back on topic: Thanks for wishing us 'Atlantians' well. I'll say 'Hi' to Namor for you.
Thor Intrepid said:
Actually, the Florida ballots are even simpler this time around. In my county there are large arrows pointing to each candidate with the 'shaft' of the arrow missing. All you have to do is to draw a straight line to connect the tail and head. If people cannot figure this out then they should be sterilized on the spot.

Back on topic: Thanks for wishing us 'Atlantians' well. I'll say 'Hi' to Namor for you.
Some people are too stupid to be allowed to go out into public by themselves, much less vote.

This is the first time we lost power, out for about 30 hrs. Just got it back this evening. Really no damage or problems other than loss of p[ower, so I count myself very fortunate, and feel for those hit much, much harder than we were.
Thanks for the well wishes! My husband and I are in Tampa, and we got through just fine. A lot of areas around us lost power, but for the second time, our apartment was spared the power outages. No damage, just a wet balcony and a wet outdoor cat who refused to come inside. :) Today I drove around some of the neighboring communities and saw a LOT of trees down and a lot of power outages. So I'm very thankful that we came through unscathed.

-- Laura
Well this was the worst one for us. Lost power for about 36 hours and lost part of my fence. Still not bad, but each time it's getting a bit worse. I really hope we never get one coming off the Gulf of Mexico into the Tampa area. Seeing what these storms can do coming from the other coast is enough for me.
Massive thoughts and prayers are out to all of you! Thor I got my Ezra Stone cd yesterday - thank you for still taking the time to send out the discs! I do appreciate it! The disc is awesome!

Tammy Z
Yeah, I missed this year's PP because of hurricane Ivan. I had plans to come for a week or so, but then the hurricane turned our way and my parents wanted me to evacuate with them so I missed out on coming to the show with my friends and girlfriend. So many good bands missed! Oh well... I guess there is no use crying over it (of course there is) all I have to say is, bring on PPVI.