Hurricane Katrina and Consumer "Culture"

First off, I would have to argue against some of the generalizations here. Every city, town, and country has its dregs. When I say dregs I am referring to the imbecilic morons who go so far as to attack rescuers. Also, just try and tell me that there is a single major city in America and many other countries that does not have its own daily murder, rape, and theft. To judge an entire community by these very few is an injustice to the good people of said community.

As for those that did not leave the area, I would very much like to point out that not all people possess the means to leave their homes. Many people did as they were asked and went to the government assigned shelter where IMO they were not properly cared for.

In response to the looting, yes there was some. There was some genuine looting. However some of the so called looting was survival. Hypothetically, let us say you are a parent of x number of small children, infants and what have you. You are of meager resources and have no vehicle. You find yourself in a situation such as the citizens of New Orleans who were sheltered in the Superdome and find you have no food. No water. Nothing and your child is going to die unless you go where you can get that food and water. Would you be so cruel as to see your children die because you won't stoop to what others judge as looting. There is video of people begging forgiveness from God, the authorities, or anyone who will listen for their actions, yet they are still found to be condemned in some public eyes.

New Orleans itself is a good city with good people. It gets a bad reputation from all the press of Mardi Gras and other things when most of the commotion is really caused by tourists who have no respect for themselves or the city. If someone were to go to New Orleans at anytime of the year when the hype and hoopla of the parties, etc. was at a minimum, they would find some of the kindest, polite, friendly, and helpful people in America. New Orleans has a rich history, and rich culture and will be rebuilt stronger than before. Also, denying relief to victims (and that is what they are) of Katrina is a cruelty and injustice.

This storm did damage not only to New Orleans, but to my home state of Mississippi. It did damage far into the north of the state. It wiped out the towns of Waveland and Bay St. Louis. I have a particular love for Bay St. Louis since my father was born and raised there, and I have been there often. To say the good people of these towns (including the ones who evacuated) are idiots is sad indeed. How many families are now homeless? How many Fathers and Mothers are jobless and now without means to support their family? Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but I cannot place enough emphasis on how many of these people are entitled to some compassion.

As for any of the racists out there, they can kiss my hairy white ass. If you can judge a man by the color of his skin, then you are truly remarkable, or truly doomed to your own ignorance. Thats all I have to say for now. I apologize for the length of my statement but I feel it necessary to speak my mind in this.


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