Hurricane Katrina


New Metal Member
Feb 4, 2004
My Heart and prayers go out to all who were affected by this disaster. I Hope that all of you can do what you can wether it be make a donation or even just pray. Our Nation will be hurting soon if not now.
We are asking the same bro, and I was thinking about you hoping you were OK, hoping you might check in.

This great Nation is already being greatly impacted by this tragedy. But the great thing about the human spirit and people who do care and give of themsleves is that this nation pulls togather when it counts and rebuilds.

It is heavy on our minds and in our hearts here in California.


ajstiles said:
My Heart and prayers go out to all who were affected by this disaster. I Hope that all of you can do what you can wether it be make a donation or even just pray. Our Nation will be hurting soon if not now.
ajstiles said:
My Heart and prayers go out to all who were affected by this disaster. I Hope that all of you can do what you can wether it be make a donation or even just pray. Our Nation will be hurting soon if not now.

DAMN man I was JUST thinking about you and your lady this morning and hoping you guys were doing okay! Glad to see a post from you....

Yeah my good buddy (known him 17 years) was in downtown New Orleans when the storm hit - it has been a harrowing week but JUST found out this morning that he and a friend are OUT finally and on their way to Texas after a frightening week baracaded in a small apt building with 5 other people trying to conserve food and water and find a way out of downtown.....

Good to know you are okay man!
It's sad...

In terms of mutual aid for N.O. and surrounding areas, I'm a Police Officer in the bay area, and placed myself on the stand by list to get shipped into New Orleans (via Florida). The beaurcracy is a mess, as my Dept has to go through California's Office of Emergency Svs, who then goes through FEMA, as FEMA is coordinating the relief efforts, and they don't want "rogue" mutual aid services.

Supposedley, we'd be used as a force protection contingent to protect the workers who are going in and removing the dead from the houses that are still under water.

One of the reasons relief has been slow is all the beaurocratic garbage, in fighting, communication break downs, etc. There seems to be too many Chief's and not enough Indians (as the old saying goes).
