Hurricane Rita

I really am scared that I am leaving my house in a couple hours....and have no control over what happens to it over the next couple of days. Being about 20 mi. north of downtown houston, the winds are only predicted to be about 110 mph once they are here...but thats still strong enough to do extensive damage....

Yes Mike I have packed a large amount of my shoes to bring with me....if my roof gets torn off and my wardrobe ALONG with my shoes is ruined....i will never be the same. (yes that would be a bad thing!! ;))

So....thanks everyone for your kind words. I will have my laptop in hand!

Good Luck Everyone!!!! :wave:
Tess, Annie, Joel, Matt, Bobby, all the rest of the Outworld and Stride guys, it's time to buckle down. I sent Adrienne and the baby to San Antonio with her brother, but I'm gonna hang in here and ride it out also.

Let's all keep in touch guys. Strength in numbers. You can't keep H-Town down!!!!

Cya on the flip side...

Best of luck to everyone in the Texas coast. I guess Mother Nature wasn't satisfied just to scrap the central Gulf coast. Hang in there guys!
Now and Forever,
Beholder said:
Tess, Annie, Joel, Matt, Bobby, all the rest of the Outworld and Stride guys, it's time to buckle down. I sent Adrienne and the baby to San Antonio with her brother, but I'm gonna hang in here and ride it out also.

Let's all keep in touch guys. Strength in numbers. You can't keep H-Town down!!!!

Cya on the flip side...


Annie, Christopher, and I are about to head out here in the next 30 minutes or so. I'm so scared!! Traffic SUCKS! Please be careful here in town. :(
To all of my buddies in Houston and the surrounding areas (hell, ANY of the metalheads there, even if I don't know you!), please please be careful. My thoughts are with all of you, especially those who decided to stay behind. This hurricane has my sister's name and I told her to quit chasing after my band members. She said she'd try, so maybe the hurricane will listen to her too. :)
Joel Gregoire said:
Hey this is Joel from Stride...Mike and his wife and newborn baby did evacuate to San Antonio today. As for the rest of us, we are going to try and ride it out the best we can....So just keep your fingers crossed and keep your prayers with us and our buds in Outworld. Thanks again to all of our fans for their undying support at Prog Power this year ...we all had an INCREDIBLE time!!!

Yeah we're thinking about you, keep us posted on how everyone is doing!!! Great hanging out with you this year, Stride ruled!!!

Talk soon,

If anyone cares........

We made it safely to Dallas. It took about 13.5 hours (UGH!!) but we are here and fed and showered and feel great. It actually turned out to be a pretty awesome day for me and I only see it getting better from here. We are staying with Meggers for a reason I'm sure!! ;) She is so awesome to take us strays in! Good luck to everyone else who decided to ride it out or flee. It looks like it has changed direction slightly and it won't be hitting as direct as originally predicted - thank God for that!
Bad Girl Tess said:
If anyone cares........

We made it safely to Dallas. It took about 13.5 hours (UGH!!) but we are here and fed and showered and feel great. It actually turned out to be a pretty awesome day for me and I only see it getting better from here. We are staying with Meggers for a reason I'm sure!! ;) She is so awesome to take us strays in! Good luck to everyone else who decided to ride it out or flee. It looks like it has changed direction slightly and it won't be hitting as direct as originally predicted - thank God for that!

What happened to Denmark???

oh and let me be the first do this...

you evacuated, you evacuated, you evacuated, and nothing fucking happened...bwhahahahahaha

Category 5 my ass
dargormudshark said:
What happened to Denmark???

oh and let me be the first do this...

you evacuated, you evacuated, you evacuated, and nothing fucking happened...bwhahahahahaha

Category 5 my ass
Hi. Are you a meteorologist?


.....and what happened to this tough guy?
dargormudshark said:
I think I am going to Waco, Alonzo is on his own :tickled:
We have had a great time in Dallas with Meggers. We just continued our party from Atlanta - heck yes!! :)