Hypocrisy Hoodies

ahh thanks for the link, the only hoodie they have in stock is the zip up one. I think i might get the Im A Fucking Hypocrite t-shirt though, ill keep a look out for the hoodies im guessin they'll be hard to find.

Cheers anyway! \m/
Got a zip up hoodie but not the one pictured on the Nuclear Blast page! Bought mine at the show last year around this time when they were on tour. :kickass:
Most old Hypocrisy shirt is hard to find...
I'm not really sure how many hypo hoodies i have, but right now, my mind remember atleast 9...

I know i need one - it's a zip, vith the old logo and a red cross on the back. I have seen Horgh with it..

I'm a collecter, and i believe that I only need to find this zip hoodie, the original hypocross in metal and a few small thing, and then my collection will be nearly complete...

By the way, do any of you know how many colors Carved up is made in?
I've seen 3 different colors so far on Ebay! Black, Purple and Clear! There is a metal "HYPOCROSS"???? Now thats definitely a collectors item! I'd give up my Lucifuge cross for that. I have the metal Hypocrisy "OLD SCHOOL LOGO" pin! :notworthy