Hypocrisy - live backline?

found my answer although ill leave the post as i believe some other may find this of interest!

Speaking of gear, what's your setup these days and how much has it changed over the years?

I don't know how much it has changed, really. I mean, in 2002 we went with SansAmp, and on the last tour we did I think I had five Marshall amps hot rodded with the eight Marshall cabs. But this time we're going to go with Kemper. It's like an Axe FX kind of rack. I actually get to simulate the guitar sound I have in the studio. I don't know how it's going to work, but they say it's very simple. I just got it at home today, so I'm going to sit and program it and do everything with it. Hopefully, that's going to be enough. No speakers, only the pre-amps.
He switches it up quite alot, they always sound great no matter what they use. I have a friend who is a drum tech for them at the moment, I could try asking him about it!
Hypocrisy are using Kemper now, as Tägtgren mentioned in a recent interview in Guitar World. :)

Speaking of gear, what's your setup these days and how much has it changed over the years?

I don't know how much it has changed, really. I mean, in 2002 we went with SansAmp, and on the last tour we did I think I had five Marshall amps hot rodded with the eight Marshall cabs. But this time we're going to go with Kemper. It's like an Axe FX kind of rack. I actually get to simulate the guitar sound I have in the studio. I don't know how it's going to work, but they say it's very simple. I just got it at home today, so I'm going to sit and program it and do everything with it. Hopefully, that's going to be enough. No speakers, only the pre-amps.

Edit: Sorry, didn't see the second post.
Nice to see more and more bands use the Kemper succesfully these days, both live and in the studio.
Seeing Hypocrisy live with that tone has definitely won me over, I have never heard a band execute
their tone so precisely in a live setting and id much rather be touring with a Kemper than a complete rig.
I wonder how many other bands are already using it live? I've heard of Hell, Paradise Lost and Accept.

A very nice prospect only having to use one 5 kilo piece of equipment ...
When i saw Hypocrisy(the Arrival tour) they used Sansamp PSA through a dual rectifier head/cabinet.
It was the best live sound i've ever witnessed.PSA is a fantastic unit,and peter knows how to use it
I wonder how many other bands are already using it live? I've heard of Hell, Paradise Lost and Accept.

A very nice prospect only having to use one 5 kilo piece of equipment ...

The Faceless, Muse, August Burns Red are a few I can think of off the top of my head
When i saw Hypocrisy(the Arrival tour) they used Sansamp PSA through a dual rectifier head/cabinet.
It was the best live sound i've ever witnessed.PSA is a fantastic unit,and peter knows how to use it

I think he's used that combination for a pretty long time. I saw him using that with Pain in 2005 as well.
Indeed they do, less now than before but there are many old songs with 100% clean and round clean tones, with a lot of chorus most of the time.

If you like the digitalness of the sansamp PSA1 sound, go for it it sounds really cool. I didn't know they use more standard tones now, and with a kemper. I wonder if he still uses the sansamp here and there, like blended with a more standard rectifier sound or something of that fashion. I prefer the old times when the sansamp character was more prominent !