Hypocritical Back-stabbing Congress Gouges Consumers at the Pump


May 10, 2005
Calais, Maine (not France)
Here's a concerned citizen's letter to his local representative.

Representative Jim Ramstad (R-MN 3rd)
9th-term Republican from Minnesota.

Ninth term!? This money-sucking jerk needs to be cataulted the hell out of Congress!

Fuel Economy Bill S.1419

President George Bush
Rep. Jim Ramstad
Sen. Norm Coleman
Sen. Amy Klobuchar

June 12, 2007

Please vote yes to new fuel economy standards. It's time we held the Auto Industry accountable for our gas problem. They make too many big and overpowered cars. SUV's should be considered cars not trucks.

Eden Prairie , MN

What a colossal FUCK!! Can anyone be as completely retarded as this piece of shit?!

The Auto industry responded to HIS wants, by building SUVs! nobody was forced to buy them! This isn't East Germany, where you get to choose between the Trabant and the Trabant!

Braindead stupid assholes!

When gas was 99 cents a gallon in 1999-2000, SUVs were selling like hot cakes. When gas was $3.25 after Katrina, nobody wanted to touch em. Its amazing how free markets work, isn't it?

But pieces of shit like this fuckin animal can't remember a stinking seven years ago, can they? No, I guess you need a brain for that!

Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, STUPID fucks!

I know the auto industry is being forced over to having all vehicles make 35mpg soon. How soon? Dunno, but it's happening.
I know the auto industry is being forced over to having all vehicles make 35mpg soon. How soon? Dunno, but it's happening.

"Gold-plated pieces of shit's what they are, Taxing my ass off an' fuckin with my car!!!"

First line of a new Billy Milano song.

So how're you gonna get 35 mpg out of a Hummer or an Aston Martin, or even a muthafuckin Silverado?


"Gold-plated pieces of shit's what they are, Taxing my ass off an' fuckin with my car!!!"

First line of a new Billy Milano song.

So how're you gonna get 35 mpg out of a Hummer or an Aston Martin, or even a muthafuckin Silverado?


I dunno. Its all economics. If someone doesnt have 35mpg they can take what the government says they are polluting by not having that, and "buy" from a company that is under the pollution ceiling. Thats how people get away with polluting.

Lets say Factory X pollutes like a motherfucker, and is 20% over the allowable limit. Pig farm X is 30% under the limit. They can sell the 20% off to Factory X and that makes them legal. Im sure the same formula will go with the cars. Thing is the car companies are realizing the need to get more mpg per gallon, its something us dumb Americans are asking for nowadays. My next car is gonna be getting 30+ or Ill be damned.
I dunno. Its all economics. If someone doesnt have 35mpg they can take what the government says they are polluting by not having that, and "buy" from a company that is under the pollution ceiling. Thats how people get away with polluting.

Lets say Factory X pollutes like a motherfucker, and is 20% over the allowable limit. Pig farm X is 30% under the limit. They can sell the 20% off to Factory X and that makes them legal.

Yeah, I know all about "Carbon Trading." Its the biggest swindle in world history! A clever way for the bolsheviks in grass skirts to transfer massive wealth from the affluent west to the dumpy, crappy east.

Even the dumbest MPs in Brussels have caught on to the lie:

An Italian group of corporations are gonna pay India $400,000,000 NOT to run three incinerators, so their factories in Europe could run normally.

Carbon trading: Dirty, filthy, old Indian incinerators stop. Efficient Italian factories go. Sounds like some eco-paradise.

Until someone figured out that it would cost only $30,000,000 to build brand new, high efficiency incinerators in India to get the same carbon levels.

The Indian government said "FUCK THAT!" and promised to run those ancient incinerators overtime, burning tyres and shit, until the westerners fork over the $400,000,000!!

Carbon trading is just a con job! A way for the despots in the orient to take hostage their guilty, weak, rich western counterparts!!

Of course, the biggest laugh in this sad episode is that manmade global warming is bullshit. Which means, carbon trading is useless.

But as I said, its just classic redistribution of wealth from the average western tax payer to the eastern dictators and despots.

It is ridiculous to consider SUV's to be cars. All of your full size SUV's are built on the same platform (frame) as the trucks they share their brand with. This will lead to manufacturers outfitting all SUV's with either a removable top (revealing the truck-like bed) or a small exposed bed like the Ford Explorer SportTrac has.
Either way, 35mpg rating is outrageous. I have owned 4cylinder econo-boxes that didn't get that kind of fuel mileage. This legislation could potentially bankrupt US automakers.
Well! That's because, just like Mao, Stalin, Kim Il Sung, and Castro, our buddy Harry Reid (the only sponsor of this fuckin S-1419) and the bitches Pelosi, Clinton, Boxer all think we're too goddamned retarded to know what's good for us!

Yes. Everyone loved SUVs. Everyone was buying them.

But SUVs are E-E-E-E-E-EVIL!!!

And so are YOU, if you don't bow down and worship mother earth and its priestess gardeners!

I have already sent a note to Randy Kuhl (NY 29th district). I was already at his website sending a note about the immigration bill.
It is ridiculous to consider SUV's to be cars. All of your full size SUV's are built on the same platform (frame) as the trucks they share their brand with. This will lead to manufacturers outfitting all SUV's with either a removable top (revealing the truck-like bed) or a small exposed bed like the Ford Explorer SportTrac has.
Either way, 35mpg rating is outrageous. I have owned 4cylinder econo-boxes that didn't get that kind of fuel mileage. This legislation could potentially bankrupt US automakers.

Thats why the carbon trading idea will take place. GM will buy extra mpg or something from Toyota. Its a huge scam.

Interesting though, I had a 4 banger that got shit gas mileage. My 6 cylinder now gets 23-24 mpg highway. I thought was good. I went to an autoshow that had jap/euro/usa cars and I will be damned if almost all of them were getting high 20's or 30+ mpg. Some jeeps had 30+ mpg as suv's. The worst were the 100,000 BMW's and mercedes, sub 20 mpg. Something had 65mpg too but it looked like something form Back To The Future part 2.