Hypocritical Back-stabbing Congress Gouges Consumers at the Pump


May 10, 2005
Calais, Maine (not France)
The moment I heard about this one, I couldn't contain my rage!

Senate Energy Bill Would Increase Gas Prices ($6.40 by 2016)

This is how those fat fucking over-stuffed oligarchs in Washington want to help us!

The Senate is currently debating energy policy legislation that could result in significantly higher prices for gasoline consumers. A review of S. 1419, including the just-completed section on tax changes, reveals that the bill could increase the price of regular unleaded gasoline from $3.14 per gallon (the early May national average) to $6.40 in 2016--a 104 percent increase.

"BIG OIL! Dick Cheney! Halliburton! Gouging Americans at the pump! Greedy Exxon execs sucking consumers dry!" That's all I've fucking heard since Katrina! That's all from the mouths of those fat bastards on Capitol Hill.

And now look who the gouging, greedy, money-sucking mother-fuckers are!! Our elected officials! The same accusing, lambasting, sneering, finger-pointing, condemning, class-warfare-baiting bolsheviks who ripped at the oil companies while prices rose because of Congress' OWN restrictive laws!

The Senate bill aims to slow and ultimately reverse the growth of carbon emissions from gasoline-powered vehicles, mainly through provisions requiring higher Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards for cars and more biofuel content in retail gasoline.

These hippy bolsheviks are piggy-backing this autocratic bullshit on the public love-affair with global warming!

That's all!

Its not about helping us get to work cheaper and more efficiently, its about serving their ideology!

But its okay with them! These greedy, corrupt swine get everything paid for by the tax payer. Free limos, free jets, free vacations for their adult children and their fourth cousins, all FREE SHIT just for brainwashing a bunch of gullible shitheads with expensive TV ads into voting for them !

The bill does not, however, contain significant funding or organizational plans for increasing the country's supply of petroleum.

Naturally!!! If those bloated beasts in Congress had allowed for drilling in that frozen sahara in Northern Alaska back in 2000, we'd be sitting pretty now. But nooooo! I remember the arguments Ted "Mass. Murderer" Kennedy and the other pigs used to shoot it down: "But it will take YEARS to get cheaper gas on the market. Years!!" Well, its YEARS later, you narrow-minded near-sighted pieces of fucking shit!! Years and years and years later!!!

In addition, the bill contains a section directed at "price gouging."

Either those assholes in the Senate have a sense of humor, or they're too distracted about heading to the Bahamas for their summer vacation after being in session for six days... This is unbelievable hypocrisy!

These fuckers need to be canned! And I mean NOW!

The bill proposes paying for the new mandates and programs with a series of tax increases, most of which would be paid by producers of gasoline. The combined effects of these policy changes would cause retail gasoline prices to increase.

Assholes, assholes, ASSSSSSHOLES!

Who pays taxes?!

We pay taxes!

You think anyone goes into business just to have the government take their profits?!!

Those taxes will go right into the price of gas and right out our wallet's ass!

Goddamned retarded fuckers!

Price Controls. The Senate's least environmental initiative is the one most likely to increase prices. When policymakers set price caps to combat "price gouging," the result is that consumers increase their demand as a result of the capped price, but producers do not face any incentive to meet that demand. Supply fails to keep pace with demand, resulting in rationing or supply "brown outs."

Ready for gas lines? Ready for 1973? Ready for our lives to be ruined by our elitist plutocrats who rule America like its fucking ancient Rome?!

This isn't a paranoid rightist article, you know! I got all of these details six months ago from my Kongressbitch, Rosa DeLauro! She mailed an expensive full colour marxist pamphlet (at my expense) complaining about the EVIL oil companies gouging the shit out of consumers and how she intended to punish them: by doing all of the above!!!

No, SB-1419 is old. Its just rehashed Rosa DeLauro bullshit, which is a mirror of anything Hitlery Rotten Clinton likes! Of course, Rosa will cruise right past the gas lines in her state limo with a full gas tank, and long after she's finally done enough damage and retires from her reign of terror.

No problem for the old bitch and her monstrous perquisites and pension and other free shit... just for being elected by a bunch of braindead lab apes in this district.

No, this backward ideological SHIT is really got me pissed off.

I've got to find out which fat oligarchs introduced this fuckin shit into the senate, and who's supporting it!!!

And then... overthrow their limos so their champagne bottles go right up their asses!

Never liked anyone in congress, never casted a vote for someone I support.

I always vote against candidates.